Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, September 8, 2021

The regular meeting of the Blackville Village Council met in the Council Chambers at 19:00hrs September 8, 2021 with Mayor Fortune presiding.

The Mayor brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

RCMP – Eric Dube introduced new member Mark Grundy to council. Council brought forth their concerns on atv’s. RCMP is aware of the concerns but will not chase atv’s. People in the community need to come forth and identify the individuals causing the problems.

It was moved by Councillor Underhill & seconded by Councillor Ross to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.

It was moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor Ross adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting August 12, 2021. MOTION CARRIED

It was moved by Councillor Ross, seconded by Councillor Underhill to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting August 17, 2021. MOTION CARRIED


Councillor D. Brennan was absent due to a Regional Service Commission meeting he is attending this evening.

Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mail boxes.

Moved by Councillor Ross second by Councillor Underhill that the bills in the amount of $17,057.10 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


SENIORS: Councillor Ross reported that there are no complaints or concerns from the seniors. The CWL will be in touch concerning the seniors supper.

BY-LAWS: Councillor Ross is still reviewing bylaws.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Ross gave fire report for August 2021. Total manpower available (20), Call responded to within village during month (2), call outside village (2), training session held (3); New equipment: NIL; Equipment Not in Service: one Hale Float pump.

RCMP: Councillor Underhill reported that she reached out to the RCMP and asked for a member to be present to address any concerns.

EMO: Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

DOG CONTROL: Councillor D. Brennan reported that we received no complaints this month.

STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Ross reported that all lights are working and those that are not have been reported.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor A. Brennan reported that the fireworks were awesome. Great turnout.

RECREATION: Councillor D. Brennan reported that there is a Ty Croft memorial washer toss tournament at the ballfield on October 2. Students are now done for the summer.

AMBULANCE NB: Councillor D. Brennan reported that he spoke with Pat Flynn to express concerns over an ambulance call that took 40+ minutes. Mr. Flynn will look into it.

TOURISM: Councillor Underhill reported that the next tourism meeting will be held on Monday, September 13 with Doaktown and Upper Miramichi.

JULY 1: Councillor Underhill reported that the fireworks held this past weekend was a huge success. She suggests that maybe this should be the new date for the fireworks instead of July 1.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor A. Brennan reported that she has been in contact with Lynette regarding the Christmas wreaths. Looking at getting some decorating done in the park this year.

PARK: Mayor Fortune reported that students are now done for the summer. Work has begun on the lookout. Still waiting for the new playground equipment to arrive.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Underhill requested a letter be sent to a property owner on Main Street regarding broken windows. She also requested a letter be sent to a property owner on Station Street.

FINANCE: Mayor Fortune reported that we are currently on budget and all finances are in order.

BUILDINGS: Councillor A. Brennan reported that the fire hall is still waiting on mini split repairs. Park cameras and upgrade is still on hold waiting for parts.

SEWER: Councillor A. Brennan reported no issues with lines. Quote to fix storm drain is under new business.

STREET & PUBLIC WORKS: Mayor Fortune reported that ditching has been done on Hallihan Lane and Digby Street. Bushes will be cut along the Howard Road.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Fortune reported that Deputy Mayor D. Brennan attended a meeting and will update up us on what was discussed.

Publicity & Promotion: Mayor Fortune reported that he will be attending a fundraiser for Hershal Underhill. Fireworks and entertainment were great.


9.1 Storm Drain Repair

Moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor Ross to hire North Shore Construction to reinstate asphalt swale on Main Street at a cost of $2400 plus HST. MOTION CARRIED.

9.2 Cutting Bushes

Moved by Councillor Ross, seconded by Councillor A. Brennan to hire Everett Taylor to cut bushes along the Howard Road at a cost of $6300 plus HST. MOTION CARRIED.

9.3 Lookout Repair

Moved by Councillor A. Brennan, seconded by Councillor Ross to hire Quality Concrete at a cost of $1120 to pour cement for the lookout repair in the municipal park. MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor Ross to adjourn the meeting at 20:15 PM hours.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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