Council Minutes
Regular Council Meeting, February 6, 2024
The regular meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Council met in the Council Chambers at 18:00hrs, February 6, 2024 with Mayor Russell presiding.
The mayor called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
COUNCIL ATTENDANCE: All in attendance.
GUESTS: Robert and Elizabeth Davis came to discuss the attack on their dog that took place in the municipal park. They suggested signs be added to the park stating all dogs must be on a leash.
RCMP members O’Keefe and Davies were also in attendance. They are aware of the incident. A discussion was held on actions we could take to keep the dangerous dog out of the park. We will work with the RCMP and order signs.
It was moved by Councillor S. Vickers & seconded by Councillor Brennan to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.
No conflicts declared.
It was moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Sheasgreen to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting January 2, 2024. MOTION CARRIED
It was moved by Councillor Sheasgreen, seconded by Councillor Brennan to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting January 16, 2024. MOTION CARRIED
Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mailboxes.
Moved by Councillor S. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Hallihan that the bills in the amount of $28,060.54 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.
BY-LAWS: Councillor Morgan Vickers will research Dangerous & Unsightly Premises bylaws as well as an Animal Control Bylaws.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Hallihan reported that training continues. He attended a meeting with Doaktown, Upper Miramichi, Blackville and Sunny Corner fire chiefs and members to discuss the boundaries. Having no radio reception in certain areas is a great concern.
RCMP: Councillor Sheasgreen reported:
Some concerned residents of the Warwick Road contacted me about the increase in speed that folks are driving through the area, they have noticed the increase since the road was re-done, I have reached out to Jason Leblanc with the RCMP and have asked him if they could patrol a little more often, he replied that he has asked his members to do more patrols throughout the area.
EMO: Councillor Hallihan had nothing to report.
ANIMAL CONTROL: Councillor Sheasgreen reported that there was a complaint in the Blackville area about a dog that was being left outside for hours at a time at a residence, the SPCA for the Province was contacted about the issue and reported that they would investigate it, I have not heard anything back from them since.
We are looking into the issue with the dog attack at the Blackville Park and get as much details as possible, there seemed to be some confusion amongst the SPCA as to who looks after this matter, the Animal control officer will be contacted right away to see if there is interest in servicing the Blackville area, details will follow.
STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Gillespie had nothing to report.
LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.
RECREATION: Councillor Brennan attended a Sunny Corner rec meeting on January 29. Discussed what was left to complete the pickel ball/tennis court project. Lights, fencing, surfacing, painting in the spring.
Blackville rink is up and running, not aware of any issues. No meetings have been held.
Renous rec is up for helping host events for Family Day. They have offered their jumping castle free of charge. Renous rink is offering free family skate.
AMBULANCE NB: Councillor Gillespie reported response times and coverage continues to be an issue.
TOURISM: Councillor Sheasgreen reported:
The basement at the Tourism building in Blackville has been finished and work is completed for the winter, going forward it has been agreed upon that anyone wishing to use the building will need to bring it forward to a council meeting or stop in the office and discuss with staff, the key for the building will remain at the Miramichi River Valley office and must be approved before use.
Through some discussion it has been determined that going forward we will finish the Tourism Building with the following:
- A wheelchair access to the back of the building
- A sign stand for out near the road (signs are already bought)
- A New fridge purchased for the kitchen in the basement.
There will be new business with discussion on where or how the remaining money will be spent rather than at the Tourism Building
Preliminary discussions are ongoing with how the upcoming summer tourism season will look, A meeting will be scheduled for March and invites will be sent out to businesses and anyone interested in being a part of our committee. This meeting time and Date will be posted on our website and social media.
CANADA DAY: Councillor Brennan had nothing to report.
BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Sharon Vickers had nothing to report.
ENVIRONMENTAL: Councillor Sheasgreen had nothing to report.
PARK: Councillor Brennan had nothing to report.
UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Gillespie reported that we will be working on a Dangerous & Unsightly Bylaw. The new bylaw enforcement officer will enforce this.
FINANCE: Mayor Russell reported that the treasurer, Jennifer McLaughlin will present a monthly financial report.
BUILDINGS: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that she spoke with Jeff Cox at Grey Rock Construction on January 30 regarding finishing the repairs at the Sunny Corner fire station. He said he would be going in last week to finish but haven’t heard any update as to whether he was in.
WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that all levels at the lagoon are normal with no issues. A request has been received from David Donahue to extend the sewer system from Doucet’s on Station Street to Underwood Lane. It would be approximately 400 feet; the depth of the line is between 10-12 feet at this location. To function properly the grade would be one foot for every one hundred feet. Mr. Donahue is a plumber and familiar with how the system works. He has been in contract with Justin Fores, Brendan Crocker and Breakwater about building housing on Underwood Lane. If a lift pump station was needed as houses were added he would install on his own.
PUBLIC WORKS: Councillor Hallihan reported that he has received some complaints over roads and plowing.
Regional Service Commission: Mayor Russell reported that he attended the following:
Jan 8, Community Development Meeting.
Jan 24, Regular monthly meeting.
All Agendas and minutes are forwarded to Council as they are received.
Publicity & Promotion: Mayor Russell reported that all promotional postings are on social media or sent out by email.
He attended the following events during the month.
Jan 2, MRV Council meeting.
Jan 9, MRV Office, Meeting with Tina, Jennifer & Jeff.
Jan 11, SCFD Meeting with Mike, Dwain & Jeff. (Budget)
Jan 16, Meeting with Mike Dawson.
Jan 23, Housing meeting with Sharon, Darlene, Tina, Justin & Krista.
Jan 30, Fire Boundaries Meeting with Mike Dawson, Mayors, Fire chiefs & Fire marshal.
Feb 5, Meeting with Chief Ginnish & Jeff, Fire service, Dump, and tourism.
Feb 5, Meeting with bylaw officer.
(10.1) Family Day
Councillor Brennan is exploring lots of options for family day events. Free skate in Blackville, Renous and Sunny Corner. A bbq by the Renous fire dept., snow shoeing in the park, snow sculpture contest, jumping castle in Renous, bonfire, sliding, games at rec or pavilion?
(10.2) Naloxone
I letter will be sent to Mike Dawson and Michelle Conroy asking why the naloxone training program is being cancelled and what the cost was to our province for this service over the past year.
(10.3) Vacation Policy
Moved by Councillor Sheasgreen, seconded by Councillor Hallihan to change the vacation policy from 1-5 years of employment entitles you to 2 weeks vacation to 1-10 years of employment entitles you to 3 weeks vacation. MOTION CARRIED.
(10.4) Unsightly Premises List
Council will each gather a list of areas that may need attention and we will discuss next meeting.
(10.5) Bylaw Enforcement Officer
WHEREAS in accordance with Section 72 of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c 18, Council may appoint By-Law Enforcement Officers for the Local Government and determine their mandates.
BE IT RESOLVED that the following persons be individually appointed as a By-Law Enforcement Officer for the Local Government:
1) Logan DUNFIELD.
2) Jordan Euclide NOWLAN.
3) Jordan LANGLOIS.
4) Keith PICCO
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the By-Law Enforcement Officer (Officer) is employed for the preservation and maintenance of public peace.
AND THAT the duties, powers, authorities, and immunities of the Officer are as follows:
- The Officer has the powers as defined by Section 14(3) of the Police Act, SNB 1977, c P-9.2.
- The Officer has the duty to enforce all the By-Laws of the Local Government.
- The Officer has the lawful authority to investigate violations, perform inspections, enter lands, buildings, and other structures, issue tickets, lay information, serve documents, issue demands, orders and perform all other duties and tasks, in accordance with all the applicable Sections and Regulations of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017, c 18 and as established by By-Law.
- The Officer is authorized to exercise discretion in the course of their duties.
- The Officer is an officer acting under the law and is protected in accordance with the Protection of Persons Acting Under Statute Act, RSNB 2011, c 210.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the above-mentioned appointments continue as long as the Officer is employed or retained by the Local Government. MOTION CARRIED.
(10.6) Community Asset Planning
The Community Asset Planning session will be held at the Blackville Community Centre on March 7, 2024.
(10.7) Delinquent Sewer Bills
CAO Hayes discussed the delinquent utility accounts with council and informed them that disconnection letters will be forwarded to residents with outstanding accounts.
(10.8) Gax Tax Funds
Discussion was had on projects council would like to work on with the gas tax funds. There has been an application sent in to RDC for funding on a generator for the Sunny Corner fire station. No response yet on the application.
(10.9) Park Employees
Seasonal Park employees will be asked to come back for the 2024 season beginning in May.
(10.10) Signage at Park
“Pets must be on a leash at all times”, signs will be ordered and placed around the municipal park.
(10.11) Contract with SPCA
We will be voiding our contract with the SPCA for animal control as we have very little service provided to us. We will contact Tony LeBlanc to discuss taking over animal control for the entire Miramichi River Valley.
(10.12) Member for Regional Infrastructure Committee
Councillor Amanda Brennan volunteered to join the Regional Infrastructure Committee for the Miramichi River Valley.
In Camera
(10.13) Staff
Discussion on hours of work.
Moved by Councillor M. Vickers to adjourn the meeting at 20:50.
Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.
If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.