Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, February 8, 2023

The regular meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Council met in the Council Chambers at 19:00hrs February 8, 2023 with Mayor Russell presiding.


The Mayor brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

GUESTS: Byron John Connors, RCMP Jason LeBlanc

Mr. Connors met with council to discuss his options on moving the zoning on his property on Main Street from industrial to commercial.  Council agreed to send a letter of support to planning services.

Constable LeBlanc with the RCMP came to introduce himself to council and hear any concerns they have at this time.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor Brennan & seconded by Councillor Sheasgreen to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


It was moved by Councillor Sharon Vickers, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting January 11, 2023.  MOTION CARRIED




All in attendance.  Councillor Hallihan attended VIA Facebook.


Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mail boxes.


Moved by Councillor Gillespie second by Councillor Sheasgreen that the bills in the amount of $51,833.31 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


BY-LAWS: First and Second Reading of the updated procedural bylaw will take place in new business.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Hallihan reported that we will be keeping the three fire depts the same way they are with shared resources and mutual aid.  First aid courses for all 3 depts on Feb 18&19. Block one rewrites on Feb 23.

Chief Sturgeon gave fire report for January 2023.  Total manpower available (18), Call responded to within village during month (2), call outside village (2), training session held (4); New equipment: NIL; Equipment Not in Service: NIL

RCMP: Councillor Sheasgreen reported that he has been in contact with Jason Leblanc with the RCMP about staying in touch and introducing to the new council. The RCMP has requested the use of the upstairs of the fire hall in Sunny Corner for a meeting in late March.  Chief Hambrook was in agreement.

EMO:  Councillor Hallihan had nothing to report.

DOG CONTROL: No complaints during the month.  Discussion under new business.

STREET LIGHTING: All nonworking lights are being reported.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.

RECREATION: Councillor Sheasgreen had nothing to report.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor Gillespie reported that she will reach out to Ronnie Allain to discuss response times.

TOURISM:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported that a tourism meeting is scheduled for February 15 at 6:30 pm.  A lot of business owners have been contacted and invited as well as social media updated and shared.

CANADA DAY:  Councillor Brennan reported that the entity will work together on this event.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that signage should be installed on all entries into the Miramichi River Valley.

PARK: Councillor Brennan reported that she is looking into solar lights for the park.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Darlene Gillespie had nothing to report.

FINANCE: Mayor Russell reported that a budget meeting was held on February 2, 2023.

BUILDINGS: Councillor Sharon Vickers had nothing to report on buildings.

SEWER: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that the sewer system is working fine, no issues.

STREET & PUBLIC: Mayor Russell had nothing to report.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Russell reported that an orientation was held on January 19.  First monthly meeting was on January 25 where they elected a chair and vice chair.  A debate on economic development and tourism took place.

Publicity & Promotion:  Mayor Russell reported that he received a few calls from media outlets.


(9.1) Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission Alternate

Moved by Councillor Morgan Vickers, seconded by Councillor Sharon Vickers to appoint Councillor Amanda Brennan as the alternate for the Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission.  MOTION CARRIED.

(9.2) Working NB

Mayor Russell gave council on update on the services offered by Working NB.

(9.3) Fire Hall Renous

A discussion was held on the future of the old Renous / Quarryville fire hall.

(9.4) Blackville Fire Department Applications

New applicants will have to provide a criminal record check.

(9.5) Blackville Health Centre

Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Brennan  to send a letter to Horizon Health requesting that the Blackville Health Centre be open to in person visits.  MOTION CARRIED.

(9.6) Bylaw #5 Procedural Bylaw


Moved by Councillor Morgan Vickers, seconded by Councillor Brennan to approve Bylaw #5. MOTION CARRIED

(9.7) Dog Control Officer

Moved by Councillor Gillespie, seconded by Councillor Morgan Vickers to discontinue animal control services currently provided by Stephen Miner.  MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor Brennan to adjourn the meeting at 20:53 hours.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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