Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, October 3, 2023

The regular meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Council met in the Council Chambers at 18:00hrs October 3, 2023 with Mayor Russell presiding.


The mayor called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 


All in attendance.  Councillor Sheasgreen joined via teams.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor M. Vickers & seconded by Councillor Hallihan to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


Mayor Russell declared a conflict of interest on item (10.5) under new business. 


It was moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting September 5, 2023.  MOTION CARRIED

It was moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting September 19, 2023.  MOTION CARRIED

It was moved by Councillor S.  Vickers, seconded by Councillor Sheasgreen to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting September 20, 2023.  MOTION CARRIED




Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mailboxes.


Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers that the bills in the amount of $14,966.41 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


BY-LAWS: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Hallihan reported that training was held as usual.  Level 1 Block C being held in Renous, November 3&4.  The RQFD donated $500 to Blackville & Millerton school breakfast program. 

The next breakfast will be held on October 21.  Proceeds tentatively for ATV club.

MVFFA monthly meeting was held October 2 in Upper Miramichi.  Poor attendance as chief Misty Arbeau unaware of hosting.  There were 3 members from Neguac, 2 from Renous, 1 from Miramichi and 1 from Sunny Corner.  Next meeting will be in Renous.

Rewrites for all blocks will be on October 10th at Station 1 at 7:30 pm.

Looking into purchasing yield to fire department signs.

RCMP: Councillor Sheasgreen reported:

-The RCMP office in Sunny Corner used the upstairs of the firehall for space they needed to conduct some work with the Major Crimes Unit that was in the area.

-The Locks were changed on the main door of the Firehall as well as the entrance into where the trucks are

-Fire Chief Jardine has informed me that they will be hosting their Christmas party for the volunteers on December 2nd upstairs at the Sunny Corner firehall

EMO:  Councillor Hallihan had nothing to report.

ANIMAL CONTROL:  Councillor Sheasgreen had nothing to report.

STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Gillespie reported that we received a request for streetlights to be added around Branders turn in Strathadam.  Tina to make request a quote from NB Power.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.

RECREATION: Councillor Brennan reported that Blackville had the grand opening at the basketball/tennis court on September 23.  There was a ribbon cutting and cake served.  A washer toss was held that evening.  The council is working with Sunny Corner rec to help them with funding for a tennis/pickleball court.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor Gillespie expressed her concerns over the lack of coverage and wait times.  A meeting will be requested with the asst. warden at Atlantic Institution to discuss services.

TOURISM:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported: -Mayor Russell and myself met with Brock Curtis at the Tourism Building in Blackville to discuss the completion of the building work, we went over the plan on what is left to be completed as well what is priority to be finished 1st and the plan going forward on the steps to finish it, we have agreed to talk weekly with updates on what was completed for the week and what the cost was for the labor and materials. This will be ongoing until the project is completed. I will communicate to the office and Council of the work that has been completed as needed.

CANADA DAY:  Councillor Brennan had nothing to report.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Sharon Vickers had nothing to report.

PARK: Councillor Brennan reported that Wayne and Peter are still working in the park.  The building in the park needs to be cleaned out.

The markets are done for the summer.  Overall, it was well attended.

Wellness committee – 2nd annual breast cancer walk was in the park on October 1.  There were approximately 30 people in attendance.  Considering having it next year in the latter part of October. 

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Gillespie reported that signs advertising false services have been added to a DTI road sign.  DTI will be contacted.

Councillor M. Vickers reported that a letter has been sent out to a property owner regarding a building on municipal property.  They have until November 1 to have the building moved.

FINANCE: Mayor Russell reported that the treasurer, Jennifer McLaughlin will present a monthly financial report.

BUILDINGS: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that Danny Underhill has repaired the roof at the Blackville firehall. 

SEWER: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that she spoke with Dana Hogan and all levels at the lagoon are normal.  No issues.

PUBLIC WORKS: Councillor Hallihan reported that Ronnie Underhill completed ditching at top of Lockstead Road.  Advised Ronnie to check with Tina on other work that must be done, culverts, etc.

Looking into possibly having brush cut off Exit 139 in Renous, spoke with DTI today regarding the issue.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Russell reported he attended a meeting on September 11, community development; a meeting on September 14, waste reduction; and a meeting on September 13, GMRSC board meeting; All agendas and minutes are forwarded to council as they are received.

Publicity & Promotion:  Mayor Russell reported that he attended the following events during the month.

September 5, MRV Council Meeting

September 5, RQFD appreciation bbq for DTI workers

September 11, meeting with Jake Stewart, meeting with RCMP

September 12, MRV Special Meeting

September 21, Meeting with Brock and Jeff at the Wall’s house

September 23, Siliker’s pie in the face fundraiser

September 27, MRV special council meeting with Sunny Corner arena

September 30, Truth and reconciliation day parade


(10.1) Email Replies

Mayor Russell asked council members to please check their emails daily and respond “all” when replying.

(10.2) Tenders

Tenders for snow removal of the Renous/Quarryville fire hall, Sunny Corner fire hall and village streets were opened.  Clerk is to review, and tenders will be awarded on October 17.

(10.3) Funding for Sunny Corner

Moved by Councillor Sheasgreen, seconded by Councillor M. Vickers to give $150,000 from the gas tax funds to the Sunny Corner Rec Department for a basketball / pickleball court.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.4) Street lights Strathadam

A request has been made for streetlights to be added to Branders turn in Strathadam.  Clerk is to contact NB Power for a quote.

(10.5) Street Sign Quotes

Three quotes were obtained for new Miramichi River Valley flags and signs. CTL Signs $27,651.75; Taylor Digital $33,971.00; River Signs $40,204.23.

Moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor Hallihan to accept the quote from CTL Signs in the amount of $27,651.75 (HST included).  MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor M. Vickers to adjourn the meeting at 19:45.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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