Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, June 13, 2023

The regular meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Council met in the Council Chambers at 18:00hrs June 13, 2023 with Mayor Russell presiding.


The Mayor called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 


All in attendance. Councillor Sheasgreen joined via Teams.

GUESTS: Mark Grundy with the RCMP was in attendance to address any issues council may have.  He said they continue to work on issues in the area like petty theft.  Staff levels are good in our area.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor Gillespie & seconded by Councillor S. Vickers to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


No conflicts of interest declared.


It was moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor M. Vickers to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting May 10, 2023.  MOTION CARRIED




Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mailboxes.


Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers that the bills in the amount of $49,714.48 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


BY-LAWS: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Hallihan reported that block “A” Edition 7 started on June 2-3.  Eight members attended, 5 from Renous and 3 from Sunny Corner.

Some issues with dispatch fire Q and paging.  Spoke to Randy Hanson and he agreed to a meeting on June 21 with myself and Mayor Russell.

Auto X course being taught at RQFD on June 15 @ 7:00 pm.

Bunker gear has been ordered, be here in the fall.

Scheduled a meeting with MetalFab to discuss new fire truck for RQFD on June 15 @ 9:00 am.

Busy month with forest fires and grass fires.

RCMP request for off road vehicle for deceased body in Chelsmford.

Chief Sturgeon gave fire report for Blackville for the month of May 2023.  Total manpower available (19), Call responded to within village during month (2), call outside village (7), training session held (4); New equipment: NIL; Equipment Not in Service: NIL

RCMP: Councillor Sheasgreen reported that he had a concerned resident that contacted him about the old bridge markings in the waters near the Red Bank Bridge, they were concerned about the increase in boats in the water and those that don’t know the waters well enough and could possibly hit something like this in the water, the increased traffic on the water has been due to the Bass fishing as well as the Trout Derby, the concerne was raised to Jason with the RCMP to see if he could point me in the direction of who to contact about getting these properly marked. He contacted Transportation Canada and they are aware of this and are also aware of the same thing in the waters in Derby, they have informed us that it is in the hands of DNR and they are in the process of getting these marked, I will follow up with them in the months coming to see what progress is happening and I have also informed the concerned resident of the findings. I thanked the resident for bringing an issue like this forward.

Posted Speed limit changes that were requested for the School Zone in Sunny Corner were brought forward to DTI, we had asked that the speed limit in the school zone be changed from 50K/hr to 30K/hr during school hours, the response from the province was that the only School zones permitted to be placed at 30km/hr are in cities, towns and villages, Sunny Corner does not fall under any of those categories, I asked if there can be and exception made through the Traffic Engineering Division in Fredericton and at the moment they have decided they will not be making any exceptions as DTI follows Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) when determining speed limits on all roads, we are following up on this further with Darren Matchett, we will follow up at next meeting or when a final decision has been made.

EMO:  Councillor Hallihan reported that he spoke to John Glidden about ICS 100 training for fire departments.  He also informed him he has a drone now if any fire departments are in need.

ANIMAL CONTROL:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported that he contacted the MLA for our area to see if he could point him in the right direction as to who it is our residents can contact about animal control for the area outside of Blackville, as this is a part of our budget and we need to let the residents – outside of Blackville know the proper number to contact. I got a number to call and directly contacted the number on file, after calling I was put in contact with Lesley Rogers, I let her know of some confusion with the phone # 1-877-722-1522 when residents called they were told that we were not a part of this, after a few phone calls and discussions with Mrs. Rogers it was determined that the hot line was not up to date with the changes that have happen to the areas since Jan 2023 when the new Entities were made, she had a lengthy discussion with them and updated the changes that were needed, we are indeed a part of the Animal Control hotline for our new Entity of Miramichi River Valley except for Blackville which we will need to decide how to move forward with animal control for just that area until the contract with NBSPCA expires in Jan 2025. I have informed our office to Contact Mrs. Rogers about adding Blackville to the Animal control but it would need to have a quote completed by NBSPCA which Mrs. Rogers will complete once she receives the info that she needs to complete the quote, after which we will need to discuss.

STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Gillespie reported that we are responsible for streetlight on Williamstown Road.  Tina will contact NB to get a quote.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.

RECREATION: Councillor Brennan reported a rec council meeting was held on June 5.  A discussion was held on some needs and wants to get things started.  Middle school girls are playing in a league and tournaments for slow pitch are being hosted.  Students have been notified and will start on June 26.  Next meeting will be held on June 26 with an election being held for positions.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor Gillespie reported that ambulances will be short staffed over the summer months.

TOURISM:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported that going forward he will be visiting, taking photos and videos of some tourist destinations and things to do in the Miramichi River Valley.  Anyone that has any events involving tourism should post on our website and social media pages, things such as ball tournaments, parades, fireworks, dances, etc.

CANADA DAY:  Councillor Brennan reported that the cake has been ordered and everything is booked.  Will need judged for the floats.  We usually ask newcomers to the area, as it gets them out to meet new people.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Sharon Vickers questioned where the funding would come from for the flowers that will be added to the tourism building and asked for any suggestions council may have to beautify the area.

PARK: Councillor Brennan reported that the park workers have been helping at the tourism building during this rainy weather.  We are trying to get things completed before the end of the month.  The park looks great, and everything is ready to go for the summer.  There will be a night market with different vendors able to put in tables.  This will start on June 14 and run from 6-9 pm and there will be local talent performing each evening.  We are hoping this gets people out to enjoy the area.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Darlene Gillespie had nothing to report. 

FINANCE: Mayor Russell reported that Tina will present a monthly financial report this evening.

BUILDINGS: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that she received a quote from Danny Underhill to fix the issue with icicles on the community centre building.  A quote was also received from Kirby Mountain to repair shingles that have blown off the building.  Both items are under new business.

Councillor Sheasgreen asked who looks after the seniors living home in Sunny Corner.  Councillor Vickers reached out to Mrs. Arbeau who informed her that the complex is in conjunction and subsidized from the province.  Dean Mutch is the contact person there and can be reached at 778-6341.  To get on the list for housing you need to call 833-733-7835.  The nonprofits usually have their own lists and make recommendations with the province based on needs and priorities.  They will need the client’s income tax for the previous year and their bank statement.

SEWER: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that she spoke with Dana Hogan regarding the wastewater system, and all is normal.

PUBLIC WORKS: Councillor Hallihan reported he met with Minister Jeff Carr, DTI, Darren Matchet; MLA, Mike Dawson; and Mayor Russell to discuss roads, bridges, and three-year plan.

Councillor Hallihan visited the top of the Lockstead hill with engineer Darren Matchett to show him what needed to be done to correct the water, ditching problems.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Russell reported he attended GMRSC regular monthly board meeting on May 24 and a GMRSC community development meeting on June 12.  All agendas and minutes are forwarded to council as they are received.

Publicity & Promotion:  Mayor Russell reported on June 2 he and Councillor Sharon Vickers attended the open house at the Irving sawmill. 

A meeting was held with Minister Carr, MLA Mike Dawson, DTI Darren Matchett, and Councillor Hallihan to discuss many issues such as Pineville bridge, new bridge replacing Anderson bridge, roads and the 3-year plan.  We were able to get some funding for some much needed work.

Attended the RSC solid waste workshop on June 6.

Met with Darren Matchett with DTI on June 8 to discuss our needs.

Attended Hal Muck’s celebration on June 8.

Met with MLA Dawson on June 12 and attended a UMNB zoom meeting as well.


In Camera Session:

(10.1) Park Worker Wages

Discussion held on wages.

In Camera Session Closed:

(10.2) FCM Membership

Moved by Councillor M. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to cancel our membership with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.  MOTION CARRIED.  

(10.3) New Firemen Sunny Corner

Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers to approve Thomas Drake Nowlan as a member of the Sunny Corner Volunteer Fire Department.  MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to approve Tyler Kevin Morehouse as a member of the Sunny Corner Volunteer Fire Department.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.4) Web Page

A discussion was held on the type of content that we should be showing on our website.

(10.5) Sunny Corner Seniors Complex

Councillor Sharon Vickers gave an update on how to get your name on the housing list as well as who is charge of the complex.  Interested people are to call 1-833-733-7835.

(10.6) Cripps Street

The street sign on Cripps Street continues to be taken down by a resident.  This is an issue for emergency services.  A letter will be sent to the individual informing them of this and asking them not to remove the sign.

(10.7) Greater Blackville Resource Centre Donation

Council agrees we will not be donating the requested amount of $26,013.00 for the installation of propane generators to the Greater Blackville Resource Centre.    

(10.8) Signage

ELG announced they will be providing financial support for community signage.  When the application process is open Tina will make an application.

(10.9) Vending Machine

Mayor Russell spoke with a company who will be installing a vending machine in the Blackville Community Centre.

(10.10) Mileage Rate

Moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers to follow the provincial automobile allowance rates.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.11) MSA Display

Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to allow the Miramichi Salmon Association to set up their display at the Miramichi River Valley Tourism Information Centre from July 16 until mid-August.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.12) Greater Miramichi Chamber of Commerce

Moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor Hallihan to join the Greater Miramichi Chamber of Commerce.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.13) Tourism Information Signage

Moved by Councillor S. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Hallihan to purchase two signs for the Miramichi River Valley Tourism Information Centre at a cost not to exceed $1500 (plus taxes) MOTION CARRIED.

(10.14) Roofing issues at the Community Centre

Moved by Councillor S. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to hire Dan’s Home Improvement to vent attic space at the community centre at a cost of $1,129.76 (tax included) MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor S. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Hallihan to hire Mountain’s Roofing to replace some of shingles on the roof at the community centre at a cost of $600 (tax included) MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor M. Vickers to adjourn the meeting at 20:20 hours.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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