Council Minutes
Regular Council Meeting, March 5, 2024
The regular meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Council met in the Council Chambers at 18:00hrs, March 5, 2024 with Mayor Russell presiding.
The mayor called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
COUNCIL ATTENDANCE: Councillor Jeffrey Sheasgreen was absent.
GUESTS: No guests.
It was moved by Councillor Hallihan & seconded by Councillor Brennan to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.
No conflicts declared.
It was moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting February 6, 2024. MOTION CARRIED
It was moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor M. Vickers to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting February 13, 2024. MOTION CARRIED
Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mailboxes.
No report submitted.
BY-LAWS: Councillor Morgan Vickers will review the Dangerous & Unsightly Premises bylaw as well as an Animal Control Bylaw drafted by the clerk.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Hallihan reported that training continues. Met with fire chief of Sunny Corner to go over his budget. Blackville has received their naloxone training and Renous will receive their training March 6. A meeting was held to go over fire boundaries. A breakfast was held and went over well, hoping to sponsor a breakfast for the safe grad class. TMR base station installed at RQFD.
RCMP: Councillor Sheasgreen reported that the quarterly RCMP report was sent to the office for review and have on file.
EMO: Councillor Hallihan had nothing to report.
ANIMAL CONTROL: Councillor Sheasgreen reported that:
- I was in contact with Tony Leblanc about taking over our animal control issues within the entire Miramichi River Valley, he has agreed to do this as he has others being trained to do the same job as he does and they will work under him, this will mean there should be someone available on call 24/7 to cover and there will be no issues, he has agreed to the Monetary amount discussed of $1000 a month to cover the entire area, Tony will be in to sign the contract this week at the office, as well he will be ordering some clothes that show he represents Miramichi River Valley when going on calls.
- Tony has agreed to be in contact with me before the end of each month to give me a report on what call outs he had to go to and what the outcome of each was, this is so we can record any ongoings throughout the year and have a better understanding of what is required of both an Animal Control Officer and Mayor & Council.
- There was a call came into the office about 6 dogs being left unattended at a residence within Miramichi River Valley and Tony was contacted about the issue and was able to go to the residence in question and retrieve the dogs and take them to a safe place.
STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Gillespie reported that streetlights on each end of the Parker Road need to be installed.
LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.
RECREATION: Councillor Brennan reported that the Blackville rink is now done for the season. Renous and Sunny Corner rinks will be going for another few weeks.
AMBULANCE NB: Councillor Gillespie reported response times and coverage in our area seems to be improving.
TOURISM: Councillor Sheasgreen reported:
- No work was done on the Tourism Building this past month, but we have discussed ordering a new Fridge for the building, as well a tablet, I also suggest we order a TV and wall mount for it so that visitors can watch video’s while visiting, we could showcase video’s of Miramichi River Valley and what we have to offer.Â
- I am currently looking for local crafters, artist’s etc from Miramichi River Valley to see if they would like to display some of their products in the Tourism Building for the upcoming season, if we can post to our social media and Website for folks to get in touch with myself or our office to let us know if they are interested.
- We can post monthly on our website and social media available weekends or dates that are available for use of the Tourism building to host events or fundraisers.
CANADA DAY: Councillor Brennan reported that she has the face painters booked for Canada Day. Over the next month fireworks will be ordered and other events planned.
BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Sharon Vickers had nothing to report.
ENVIRONMENTAL: Councillor Sheasgreen reported that:
• Letter was sent to Fredericton requesting information on the construction and demolition dump site in Strathadam. A follow up email was sent explaining exactly what I am Requesting. I will follow up again before Mid-Month.
PARK: Councillor Brennan had nothing to report.
UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Gillespie had nothing to report.
FINANCE: Mayor Russell reported that the treasurer, Jennifer McLaughlin is to present a monthly financial report. Jennifer was absent and no report submitted.
BUILDINGS: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that she spoke with Dan Underhill about getting an estimate on replacing fascia and siding at Blackville rink. She reached out to Grey Rock, Jeff Cox, about repairs at the fire station in Sunny Corner, phone number has been disconnected. Will inquire further to reach him.
WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that all levels at the lagoon are normal with no issues.
PUBLIC WORKS: Councillor Hallihan reported that he spoke with MLA, Mike Dawson, to discuss road work on Plaster Rock highway, route 108.
Regional Service Commission: Mayor Russell reported that he attended the following:
Feb 12, Community Development Meeting.
Feb 22 , Econ / Dev / Labour meeting.
Feb 28, RSC Regular monthly Meeting.
All Agendas and minutes are forwarded to Council as they are received.
Publicity & Promotion: Mayor Russell reported that all promotional postings are on social media or sent out by email.
He attended the following events during the month.
Feb 6, MRV Council meeting.
Feb 8, Meeting with SCFD.
Feb 9 , MRV Office, Meeting with DTI Minister Ames and MLA Dawson.
Feb 10 , Meeting with RDC Minister Savoie.
Feb 12, Meeting with MLA Dawson and SC Arena.
Feb 13, MRV Office Special meeting.
Feb 15, Growing Miramichi, Rodd.
Feb 20, Meeting with MGSR.
Fed Meeting with John Carney, Budget.
Fed 26, JDI Meeting Doaktown.
March 1, Meeting with Horizon.
(10.1) Eclipse Events
A discussion was held on the eclipse. Signs will be ordered for designated parking areas. The park will be a meeting place to view the eclipse and glasses will be passed out.
(10.2) Insurance
Moved by Councillor S. Vickers and seconded by Councillor M. Vickers to add municipal facility user program to our insurance policy at a cost of $1500. MOTION CARRIED.
(10.3) Unsightly Bylaw
The clerk presented council with a draft Dangerous & Unsightly Bylaw for review. Will discuss at next meeting.
(10.4) Animal Control Bylaw
The clerk presented council with a draft Animal Control Bylaw for review. Will discuss at next meeting.
(10.5) Tablet & Printer
A tablet and printer are required for the tourism information centre. Clerk will purchase.
(10.6) Animal Control Contract
Moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor Hallihan to provide a letter to the NBSPCA informing them that due to the lack of service we have received, their services are no longer required for the Miramichi River Valley, as we have hired Tony LeBlanc to cover our entity. MOTION CARRIED.
(10.7) Line Painting Contract
Moved by Councillor M. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Brennan to accept the 5-year contract (2024-2028) from Maritime Pavement Markings at DTI rates, with an 8% increase in year 3 and a 9% increase in year 5. MOTION CARRIED.
(10.8) Street Lights – Parker Road
Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to approve streetlights being installed at each end of the Parker Road. MOTION CARRIED.
Moved by Councillor M. Vickers to adjourn the meeting at 19:05.
Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.
If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.