Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, November 10, 2022

The regular meeting of the Blackville Village Council met in the Council Chambers at 19:00hrs November 10, 2022 with Mayor Fortune presiding.


The mayor brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 


APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor Underhill & seconded by Councillor Ross to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


It was moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor A. Brennan to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting October 13, 2022.  MOTION CARRIED


It was moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor A. Brennan to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting October 20, 2022.  MOTION CARRIED


It was moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor A. Brennan to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting November 1, 2022.  MOTION CARRIED




All present


Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mail boxes.


Moved by Councillor Ross second by Councillor Underhill that the bills in the amount of $18,505.23 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


SENIORS:  Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

BY-LAWS:  Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief Christopher Sturgeon gave fire report for October 2022.  Total manpower available (18), Call responded to within village during month (1), call outside village (0), training session held (3); New Equipment, Hose Washer; Equipment not in use, NIL.

RCMP: Councillor Underhill had nothing to report.

EMO:  Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

DOG CONTROL: Councillor D. Brennan reported that he received no reports this month.

STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Ross reported that all street lights are working. 

LEISURE SERVICES:  Councillor A. Brennan reported that she will be looking into organizing a dance for next summer for “Blackville Days”. 

RECREATION: Councillor D. Brennan reported that Irving will be coming this week to put in the new oil furnace.  Total cost approximately $10,000 with $5000 covered by provincial grant.  The ballfield has been closed for the year.  Still waiting on the nets for the basketball court.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor D. Brennan reported that he is waiting on the updated reports from ANB.  A request for information was made to Pat Flynn on the night that BFD responded to a MVA involving a youth and no coverage.  They are looking into it and have yet to get back. Councillor D. Brennan has not received any information from Chief Sturgeon regarding the incident despite his concern in last month’s fire chief’s report.

TOURISM Councillor Underhill reported that she has received great feedback on the work being done on the building.

JULY 1:  Councillor Underhill had nothing to report.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor A. Brennan reported that the Remembrance Day flags are up and look amazing, lots of positive comments.  Members of the public are looking to purchase flags.  The wreaths will be ready next week and up before the parade.

PARK: Mayor Fortune reported that the interpretative signs have been taken down for the winter.  Councillor D. Brennan reported that the park workers are finished for the year.  Winslow has been working with Dana.  RCMP have been in the park making sure there is no one in after dark.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Underhill reported that she hasn’t received any complaints this month.  Two complaints came into the office and will be discussed under new business.

FINANCE: Mayor Fortune reported that Tina is working on the 2023 budget and will present it to the advisory committee on Monday evening.

BUILDINGS: Councillor A. Brennan reported that the repair at the firehall has finally been completed.  There was an issue with the boiler for the in floor heating system that has been fixed as well.  The village office had issues with one of the washrooms.  It has been repaired by Wayne.

SEWER:  Councillor A. Brennan had nothing to report.

STREET & PUBLIC WORKS Mayor Fortune reported that the Barnettville road has been repaired.

Publicity and Promotion:  Mayor Fortune reported that he has spoken with Robert Fawcett from J.D. Irving requesting lumber to finish the inside and outside of the tourism building.  Work is coming along well.  The basement has been insulated and the building has been wired.

Regional Service Commission: Councillor Denver Brennan had nothing to report.  No regular board meetings held.


(9.1) Snow Blower

Quotes will be requested on a new snow blower.

Councillor D. Brennan declared a conflict of interest and removed himself from the meeting.

9.2) Snow Plow Contract

Moved by Councillor Ross, seconded by Councillor Underhill to extend the snow plowing contact with Ron Underhill trucking by one year at an increased rate of 30%.  MOTION CARRIED.

Councillor D. Brennan re-joined the meeting.

(9.3) Unsightly Premises

A discussion was held on two properties within the village that are unsightly.  Letters will be sent to both property owners asking for the cooperation in cleaning up the area.

(9.4) Auditor

Moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor Ross to hire Daye Kelly & Associates to audit the Village of Blackville 2022 books in the amount of $12,500 plus HST.  MOTION CARRIED.

(9.5) Multiplex

A discussion was held on the support of the multiplex that is set to be constructed in Miramichi.  The village will not be sending a letter at this time.

Councillor Cindy Underhill declared a conflict of interest and removed herself from the meeting.

(9.6) Insurance

Moved by Councillor Ross, seconded by Councillor A. Brennan to accept the insurance quote from MacRae Insurances Services in the amount of $32,478.  MOTION CARRIED.

Councillor Underhill re-joined the meeting.

(9.7) Recreation Council Funding

Moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor D. Brennan to provide $5,000 to the Blackville Recreation Council for the purchase of a new oil furnace for the rink.  MOTION CARRIED.

(9.8) Five Year Plan

Moved by Councillor Ross, seconded by Councillor Underhill to adopt the 5 year park planas presented by Mayor Fortune.  MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor Ross to adjourn the meeting at 20:10  hours.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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