Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, June 4, 2024

The regular meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Council met in the Council Chambers at 18:00hrs, June 4, 2024, with Mayor Russell presiding.


The mayor called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

A moment of silence was given in remembrance of Roy MacRae.

COUNCIL ATTENDANCE:  Councillor Sharon Vickers was absent.

GUESTS: David Donahue presented council with his plans for developing housing.

Tony LeBlanc and Stacy Jenkins gave an animal control report.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor Sheasgreen & seconded by Councillor Gillespie to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


No conflicts declared.


It was moved by Councillor M. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Brennan to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting May 7, 2024.  MOTION CARRIED




Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mailboxes.


Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Brennan that the bills in the amount of $42,087.03 for the month of May be paid. MOTION CARRIED


BY-LAWS: Third reading of Animal Control Bylaw is under new business.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Hallihan reported that the NBAFC Conference had a great turnout with approximately 350 members in attendance. 

The air brake course is completed. 

There are rewrites for blocks being scheduled.

There were some water issues during a fire in Lockstead.  There was a malfunction with the equipment.

MVFFA donated $1000 to Percy’s Place.

RCMP: Councillor Sheasgreen reported:

Set up the new air purifier at the RCMP office in Sunny Corner, suggested we should get another air quality test completed after 5 or 6 weeks.

The quarterly report was forwarded to our office from RCMP.

EMO:  Councillor Hallihan reported that the 40-foot storage container that was available from EMO was placed in Miramichi. 

ANIMAL CONTROL:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported that:

Asked for a monthly report from NBSPCA and they are unable to provide us with one that is only for our area, will be working on this going forward to get a monthly report.

A complaint came into the office from a resident in Sunny Corner area about a breeder and the noise from the animals, NBSPCA has not answered our questions on whether the Resident was visited and if anything has become of it, continuing to work on this.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.

MEDIA:  Councillor Morgan Vickers reported that she has been asked to do an interview with CTV news regarding ambulance service.

RECREATION: Councillor Brennan reported that Renous Days are set for August 13-17.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor Gillespie reported had nothing to report.

TOURISM:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported: 

Was at the tourism building several times to check on ongoing work as well as set up to welcome local artists and crafts people to display and sell their items for the upcoming season. Grand opening prep work is being done.

Met with Joanne Arbeau and others who are interested in being involved in a Tourism Building Committee.

Will be starting to visit local businesses and attractions over the tourism season to promote our area as much as possible.

CANADA DAY:  Councillor Brennan reported that Canada Day events are set. The parade will be at 2:00 pm, Ladies of the River will perform June 30 before the fireworks.  The fire dept members will be doing a bbq as well.

WELLNESS:  Councillor Brennan reported that she and Marilyn Underhill will attend a board of directors meeting with Horizon Miramichi on June 13.  The wellness meeting has been postponed as it was scheduled for the same evening.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that a Community Cleanup will be held June 10-15.

ENVIRONMENTAL:  Councillor Sheasgreen had nothing to report.

PARK: Councillor Brennan reported that an application for funding has been submitted to pave the roadway into the park as well as the remainder of the walking trails, fix the lighting and add a new piece of playground equipment.  Hoping to soon hear on the status of the application.

Looking into forming a Park/Tourism committee.

We will get pricing on purchasing our own jumping castle.  The Blackville Firemen’s Club has committed to donating $500 towards the purchase.

The markets will begin on June 18.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Gillespie reported that the unsightly properties will be discussed under new business.

FINANCE: Mayor Russell reported that the treasurer, Jennifer McLaughlin is to present a monthly financial report. 

BUILDINGS: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that she received a quote from Rock Face to remove cement and replace with paves to accommodate future frost movement at the Blackville Community Centre.

Working on having some fascia donated for the Blackville rink.

WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported there are no issues with the wastewater system.

PUBLIC WORKS: Councillor Hallihan reported that he inspected the storm drain located at 163 Main Street.  It is washing out; we will need to get quotes to repair.

Spoke with concerned citizen over the conditions of the Renous River road.  The road will be repaired.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Russell reported that he attended the following:

May 15, Red Pine Tour.

May 21, PRAC Meeting. 

May 29, RSC Regular Meeting. 

All Agendas and minutes are forwarded to Council as they are received.

Publicity & Promotion:  Mayor Russell reported that all promotional postings are on social media or sent out by email.

He attended the following events during the month. 

May 4 Firemen’s games RQFD. 

May 7, MRV Council Meeting.

May 8, Blackville Park Meeting (Paving).

May 11, MRV Tourism Walls House.

May 13, Meeting with MLA Dawson (Howard Road)

May 13, Meeting with John Brophy.

May 17, RCMP Appreciation BBQ SCFD. 

May 22 MRV Office Meeting with Ron Underhill and MLA Dawson.

May 22, Meeting with Premier Higgs.

May 22 Housing meeting.

May 27, Meeting with Tuadook Lodge committee.


(10.1) Speed Signs

A request will be made to the Department of Transportation to have radar speed signs added at both ends entering Blackville.

(10.2) Summer Hours

Moved by Councillor M. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Brennan to change the municipal office hours to Monday-Thursday 8-12 & 12:15-4:00; Friday 8-12 for the summer months. MOTION CARRIED.

(10.3) Corresponding with Media

Deputy Mayor Morgan Vickers will be speaking to all media on behalf of the council.

(10.4) Grand Opening Invites

An invitation will be posted to invite the public and all those who have helped in any way towards the tourism information centre building.  Invitations will be sent to Robert Fawcett from Irving; MLA, Mike Dawson; PM, Jake Stewart; Krista Chase; Bill Ward; George Gannish.

(10.5) Rental Fee Tourism Building

Moved by Councillor Sheasgreen, seconded by Councillor Hallihan to set the rental fee of the tourism building at $250 per day.  If the renter would like to clean the building after use, $50 will be refunded after inspection.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.6) Tourism Building

Councillor Amanda Brennan and Councillor Sharon Vickers will be taking over responsibilities associated with the tourism building.  Councillor Sheasgreen will still be taking care of all other areas regarding tourism.

(10.7) Flags

      Flags will be ordered for Blackville.

(10.8) Unsightly Premises

Council reviewed two properties sent to us by the bylaw enforcement officer, council will not proceed any further at this time with these properties.

(10.9) Rural Plan Amendment

Moved by Councillor M. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Sheasgreen to give consent in changing the zoning of PID 40037194 from Industrial to Highway Commercial.  


(10.10) Maintenance Worker

A discussion was held on hiring a maintenance worker.  We will revisit this topic next month.

(10.11) Signs

Councillor Hallihan would like to obtain quotes for signs to be placed in the areas entering Renous.  The signs coming into Blackville need to be changed, as they currently say Village of Blackville.  We will get quotes on these.  

(10.12) Bylaw #6 Animal Control


Moved by Councillor Sheasgreen, seconded by Councillor M. Vickers to approve Bylaw #6. MOTION CARRIED

(10.13) Tourism Building Property

Councillor M. Vickers will have the property signed over to the Miramichi River Valley.

(10.14) Flowers for Roy MacRae

Flowers will be sent to the MacRae family in remembrance of Roy.

(10.15) Utility Bill Update

Treasurer gave an update on the utility bills that are outstanding.  Those who have not picked up their registered mail will be served in person.  Any outstanding accounts will be disconnected.

(10.16) AMANB Conference

Moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to approve Tina & Jennifer attending the AMANB conference from September 10-13.  MOTION CARRIED.

In Camera session called at 20:10 to discuss MUNICIPAL PROPERTY Section 68 (1) (d) of the Local Governance Act.

Regular Session Back in session at 20:20.

Moved by Councillor Hallihan to adjourn the meeting at 20:30.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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