Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, February 14, 2019

The regular meeting of the Blackville Village Council met in the Council Chambers at 19:00hrs February 14, 2019 with Mayor Hennessy presiding.


The Mayor brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor Underhill & seconded by Councillor Ross to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


It was moved by Councillor Fortune, seconded by Councillor Underhill to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting December 13, 2018.  MOTION CARRIED

It was moved by Councillor Fortune, seconded by Councillor Brennan to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting December 20, 2018.  MOTION CARRIED



All in attendance.


Two letters were received requesting funding.  Due to village policy on only providing donations in regards to education we will not be donating to these causes.


Moved by Councillor Underhill second by Councillor Ross that the bills in the amount of $23,587.82 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


HISTORICAL SOCIETY:  Councillor Fortune reported that a meeting will be held with Brock Curtis to discuss his ideas.

SENIORS: Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

HEALTH & WELLNESS:  Councillor Brennan reported that they are looking into applying for a grant to upgrade the rink.  A family skate will be held in Renous Feb 16.

ATV:  Councillor Underhill reported that no meetings have been held.  Club is asking about access to Station Street.  Our lawyer suggested we contact our insurance company to discuss liability.

HOME & SCHOOL:  Councillor Underhill reported that teacher appreciation week is Feb 11-17.  Many events are being planned such as laser tag, family skate, movie night and pink shirt day.  They are working on a plan to revise parking lot / drop off at school.

WEB PAGE:  Councillor Brennan reported that Leslie continues to update the web page.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Ross gave fire report for Dec 2018.

Total manpower available (20), Call responded to within village during month (0), call outside village (1), training session held (4), Man Hours (35); New equipment: boots, hoses, Equipment Not in Service: NIL

Councillor Ross gave fire report for January 2019.

Total manpower available (20), Call responded to within village during month (1), call outside village (1), training session held (4), Man Hours (49); New equipment: NIL, Equipment Not in Service: Jaws of Life

RCMP: No report submitted. Councillor Ross reported that she did a survey regarding the RCMP.

EMO:  Councillor Ross reported that is waiting for a meeting with Duane Augustine. 

DOG CONTROL: Councillor Fortune reported that we received no complaints regarding dogs.  We did receive one complaint about stray cats.  Mr. Miner contacted the home owner of where the cats are and they will try to live trap them.

STREET LIGHTING:  All lights are working and those that are not have been reported.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor Brennan reported that a 70th anniversary party was held Roy and Christina MacRae.  A gift was presented on behalf of the village. 

RECREATION: Councillor Underhill had nothing to report.    

TOURISM Councillor Underhill had nothing to report.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Ross reported that new Christmas pole decorations can be ordered online at a reasonable cost.  We will apply for a beautification grant if one becomes available.

PARK: Councillor Fortune had nothing to report.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Brennan had nothing to report.

FINANCE: Mayor Hennessy reported that finances are in order. 

BUILDINGS: Councillor Fortune had nothing to report.

SEWER:  Councillor Fortune reported that a resident on Digby was having an issue with her sewer line.  We inspected the property and the issue was with her line and her responsibility.

STREET & PUBLIC WORKS Mayor Hennessy reported that spoke with Alexis at RDC regarding funding for Riverview Drive.  Funding has been reduced but she will continue to work with us.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Hennessy had nothing to report.

Publicity & Promotion:  Mayor Hennessy reported that he has been in contact with a group who are putting together a program to benefit our area and make Blackville the snowmobiling hub of the province.  A new groomer is coming to the area and will be based out of Blackville.

Mayor Hennessy met with MLA Stewart to discuss upcoming summer projects.  Council will meet with him also to update him on our plans.


9.1 New Firemen

Moved by Councillor Ross, seconded by Councillor Underhill to accept Jonah Peterson as a new member of the Blackville Volunteer Fire Department.  MOTION CARRIED.

9.2  HVAC Repair

Moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor Ross to have Controls and Equipment repair the HVAC at the Community Centrefor $3,797.76 plus HST. MOTION CARRIED.

9.3  Jaws of Life

Councillor Ross reported that chief, Garth Underhill has contacted her in regards to a new jaws of life.  The current one isn’t working properly.  Council will meet with chief to discuss funding options.

9.4 Bylaw #81

Moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor Ross to pass first reading by title of By-law #81 – Remuneration Of Council. MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor Fortune, seconded by Councillor Underhill to pass second reading by title of By-law #81 – Remuneration Of Council. MOTION CARRIED.


Moved by Councillor Ross to adjourn the meeting at 19:50 hours.



Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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