Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, February 10, 2022

The regular meeting of the Blackville Village Council met in the Council Chambers at 19:00hrs February 10, 2022 with Mayor Fortune presiding.


The Mayor brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

GUESTS:  David Donahue

Mr. Donahue voiced his concerns to council on the amalgamation that the province is implementing.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor Underhill & seconded by Councillor A. Brennan to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


It was moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor Ross to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting January 13, 2022.  MOTION CARRIED




All in attendance. 


Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mail boxes.


Moved by Councillor Ross second by Councillor Underhill that the bills in the amount of $15,211.51 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


SENIORS:  Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

BY-LAWS:  Councillor Ross reported that third reading of the code of conduct bylaw will be read tonight.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief Christopher Sturgeon gave fire report for January 2022.  Total manpower available (19), Call responded to within village during month (0), call outside village (3), training session held (0); New equipment: 3 new pike poles, 10 auto extrication gloves, 8 10L jugs of Class A foam; Equipment Not in Service: NIL

RCMP: Councillor Underhill reported that Councillor Ross completed a survey and the quarterly report has been dropped off to Councillor A. Brennan.

EMO:  Councillor Ross had nothing to report.

DOG CONTROL: Councillor D. Brennan reported that there were no issues during the month.

STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Ross reported that all lights are working and those that are not have been reported.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor A. Brennan had nothing to report.

RECREATION: Councillor D. Brennan reported that the ball field is closed.  The rink is cleared off and flooded.  The building is closed to the public due to COVID restrictions.  The oil furnace needs to be replaced and well as the tank. Day care is going as usual.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor D. Brennan reported that the meeting with Pat Flynn, vice president JP and himself has been postponed due to omicron variant. It will be rescheduled.  They are doing a new data trial.  For 1 month they are not pulling the Blackville truck into the city or any other rural ambulance.  They will monitor the date for one month before making it permanent.  The initiative is to keep coverage in rural communities. 

TOURISM Councillor Underhill had nothing to report.

JULY 1:  Councillor Underhill reported that plans for Canada Day celebrations will begin in March.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor A. Brennan reported that she would like to order the banners and brackets for the veteran’s project.

PARK: Mayor Fortune had nothing to report.  Councillor D. Brennan reported that the lights have been taken down.  The flagpoles haven’t been shipped and are on backorder.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Underhill reported that she hasn’t received any new complaints.

FINANCE: Mayor Fortune reported that finances are in order.

BUILDINGS: Councillor A. Brennan reported that the quote to repair the pull alarm station is $290 for the fire hall.  The alarm went off at the Community Centre on February 5.  The fire dept answered the call.  The heating system in the classroom area was the issue.  The thermostat was damaged due to acid and caused the fan not to turn on resulting in smoke.  The breaker was shut off.  The thermostat has been replaced and there are no further issues.

SEWER:  Councillor A. Brennan reported that there were no issues during the month with the system.

STREET & PUBLIC WORKS Mayor Fortune reported that the parking lot has been plowed at the Wall’s property so the snowmobilers can have access.

Regional Service Commission: Councillor Denver Brennan reported that the RSC had their regular meeting on January 26.  The amalgamation and local governance reform were discussed.  The GMRSC is looking for a communications coordinator.  Neguac wants to join RSC 5 but the government recently denied the request.  He requested a letter of support be sent in support of Neguac joining the Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission.

Publicity & Promotion:  Mayor Fortune reported that he has attended meetings regularly with the LSD reps and Don Ferguson to discuss reform.  Topics discussed at this point are the number of councillors and if we should have wards or at large.


9.1 Bylaw #96 Code of Conduct


Moved by Councillor A. Brennan, seconded by Councillor Underhill to approve Bylaw #94. MOTION CARRIED

9.2 Office Furniture

Moved by Councillor D. Brennan, seconded by Councillor Ross to purchase a new desk and chair for the councillor’s office at an amount not to exceed $2,000.  MOTION CARRIED.

9.3  Letter of Support Neguac

Moved by Councillor D. Brennan, seconded by Councillor Underhill to write a letter of support for Neguac to join the Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission.  MOTION CARRIED

9.4  Personnel Policy

Council was given a copy of the personnel policy that has been drafted.  Request for approval for the policy will be added to next month agenda.

9.5  Veteran Flags

Moved by Councillor Underhill, seconded by Councillor D. Brennan to purchase 60 veteran flags.  MOTION CARRIED.

Moved by Councillor Ross to adjourn the meeting at 20:20 PM hours.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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