Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, August 12, 2021

The regular meeting of the Blackville Village Council met in the Council Chambers at 19:00hrs August 12, 2021 with Mayor Fortune presiding.

The Mayor brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

GUESTS: RCMP Dube and Const. McGuire from the RCMP were in attendance to discuss any issues council may have.

It was moved by Councillor A Brennan & seconded by Councillor C Underhill to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.

It was moved by Councillor A Brennan, seconded by Councillor C Underhill to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting July 8, 2021. MOTION CARRIED

It was moved by Councillor C Ross, seconded by Councillor C Underhill to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting August 3, 2021. MOTION CARRIED

It was moved by Councillor C Ross, seconded by Councillor C Underhill to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting July 28, 2021. MOTION CARRIED


All council in attendance.


Moved by Councillor A Brennan second by Councillor D Brennan that the bills in the amount of $16103.82 be paid. MOTION CARRIED.


SENIORS: Councillor Ross reached out to a few of the seniors in the village and asked if they had any concerns. All is good. Nothing at this time. Councillor Ross spoke to the CWL to see if they would cater to the “Seniors Supper” and they said they would get back to her.

BY-LAWS: Councillor Ross is reviewing By-laws # 1 and #70 relating to the Procedure of Council. She feels that there is no need for two bi-laws and is considering combining into one.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Ross gave fire report for July 2021. Total manpower available (23), Call responded to within village during month (4), call outside village (3), training session held (3); New equipment: NIL; Equipment Not in Service: one Hale Float pump.

RCMP: Councillor Underhill reported that she reached out to the RCMP and asked for a member to be present to address any concerns.

EMO: Councillor Ross reported that we have our new regional co-ordinator.

DOG CONTROL: Councillor D. Brennan reported that we received no complaints this month. Letter was sent out to a resident of Alcorn Drive last month and since that time neighbours say things have been fine.

STREET LIGHTING: Councillor Ross reported that all lights are working and those that are not have been reported.

LEISURE SERVICES: Councillor A. Brennan reported “Remembering Amy” is to be held August 14th in the Park from 2 o’clock until 5 o’clock offering a BBQ, music and half and half draws.

RECREATION: Councillor D. Brennan reported that 3 students were finished on Friday Aug 6 with Summer Sports coming to an end on their last week of work. 20 students were registered with a daily average of 10. We had a good tournout with the Slow Pitch Tournament with $4300 in proceeds before expenses. Vickers River Tubing donated $1000 to the basketball court.

AMBULANCE NB: Councillor D. Brennan reported that he was unable to get a monthly report from Regional Supervisor, Pat Flynn. He will continue to request it and when he gets it he will forward it via email.

TOURISM: Councillor Underhill reported no concerns from student Workers.

JULY 1: Councillor Underhill is anticipating a Fireworks display on the Sept 5 long weekend.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor A. Brennan reported that she was contacted by NB Power regarding the clean-up of bushes on Station St. She was advised that NB Power will clean the left side of the street but the right side is to be completed by the residents. The cleaning volunteers are to contact NB Power before starting the job to get some safety precautions.

PARK: Mayor Fortune reported that work continues throughout the park and looks great. Three new cameras have been installed. There was an issue last weekend with the Splash Pad but it was resolved.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Underhill reported that a letter was sent out to a property owner. It does appear that the property owner is in the process of cleaning it up.

FINANCE: Mayor Fortune reported that we are currently on budget and all finances are in order.

BUILDINGS: Councillor A. Brennan reported O’Donnell’s have fixed and replaced lights in the parking lot and at the Village Office building. Allison’s have repaired the roll-up door at the firehall and advised all of the doors be serviced as the springs are getting tight. As for the mini-split, we are waiting on parts from Taylor Plumbing.

SEWER: Councillor A. Brennan reported that the issue at Rodney Brophy’s needs to be dealt with. As for now all is well.

STREET & PUBLIC WORKS: Mayor Fortune reported that Crandall Engineering and North Shore Construction are to examine the catch bason on Main St. They will fix it up so that the rocks are not washing down onto the drain. Bushes have been cut along some village streets.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Fortune reported that Deputy Mayor D. Brennan attended a meeting and will update up us on what was discussed.

Publicity & Promotion: Mayor Fortune reported that he had a discussion with local paper to discuss any upcoming projects that will be funded by the gas tax.


9.1 Pole Saw for Park

Moved by Councillor A. Brennan, seconded by Councillor Underhill to purchase a pole saw for the park for $899 plus HST. MOTION CARRIED.

9.2 Office Computer

Moved by Councillor D. Brennan, seconded by Councillor A. Brennan to purchase a new computer for the office. MOTION CARRIED.

9.3 Rural Plan

A discussion was held on the new rural plan. Meeting being held Aug 16 with municipalities of Upper Miramichi, Doaktown and our Village. Ongoing meetings will follow. It was also discussed to remove the Historical Society from the Rural Plan.

9.4 Solar Lights for Park

Councillor D. Brennan agreed to get some prices of solar lighting for the park.

9.5 Fireworks

A discussion was held and it was decided that fireworks would be held on Sept 5 along with perhaps a BBQ as well as having Adam Jardine for entertainment.

Moved by Councillor Ross to adjourn the meeting at 20:40 PM hours.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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