Council Minutes

Regular Council Meeting, September 3, 2024

The regular meeting of the Miramichi River Valley Council met in the Council Chambers at 18:00hrs, September 3, 2024, with Mayor Russell presiding.


The mayor called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

COUNCIL ATTENDANCE: All of council were in attendance.

GUESTS: No Guests

APPROVAL OF AGENDA                 

It was moved by Councillor S. Vickers & seconded by Councillor Gillespie to approve agenda as circulated. MOTION CARRIED.


No conflicts declared.


It was moved by Councillor S. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Sheasgreen to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Regular Council meeting August 6, 2024.  MOTION CARRIED

It was moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to adopt the minutes, as circulated, of the Special Council meeting August 27, 2024.  MOTION CARRIED




Council has received all correspondence either through email or hard copy in their mailboxes.


Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Gillespie that the bills in the amount of $30,181.96 for the month of August be paid. MOTION CARRIED


BY-LAWS: Councillor M. Vickers had nothing to report.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Councillor Hallihan reported that the Sunny Corner fire department is receiving a number of medical calls.  They have responded to 19 calls in the last month.  An email will be sent to MLA, Mike Dawson to express concerns over these calls.

A breakfast will be held on Saturday for Ryan Jardine.

He attended a workshop on Saturday.

RCMP: Councillor Sheasgreen that they have been using the upstairs of the Firehall in Sunny Corner for the Major Crimes unit to set up for issues they are dealing with in the area.

EMO:  Councillor Hallihan had nothing to report.

ANIMAL CONTROL:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported that a plan will be made to put out a tender out for an Animal Control Officer for the entire Miramichi River Valley starting in Jan 2025, discussion of what our expectations for the Tender will need to be done before end of Sept to have it posted Mid Oct.

MEDIA:  Councillor Morgan Vickers had nothing to report.

RECREATION: Councillor Brennan reported that Blackville Days events are planned.  There will be a breakfast, dance, mower races, ball tournament, jumping castle, face painting, market, music, and the Dungarvon Whooper plays taking place at 12, 2 and 4 on Sunday, September 22.

AMBULANCE NB:  Councillor Gillespie reported that 5 new members have been hired for the Miramichi area.

TOURISM:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported that we are waiting on photos of the drone shots that were taken this summer and will have them posted on our website and social media.

Council approved at July’s meeting for Character Matters to put together a show that will start at Blackville Days, email was sent to Mr. Shawn McCarthy that the funding for this approved and give him the go ahead with the project.

CANADA DAY:  Councillor Brennan had nothing to report.

WELLNESS:  Councillor Brennan reported that a meeting will be held on September 24.  The markets are going well and plans for the breast cancer walk are being made.

The people involved in the community garden are discouraged as the garden continues to be vandalised. A solar light facing the garden may help and will be installed.

BEAUTIFICATION: Councillor Sharon Vickers had nothing to report.

ENVIRONMENTAL:  Councillor Sheasgreen reported that a group of concerned residents reached out about the Dumpsite in Strathadam, I have emailed back and will set up a time to all concerned to meet, discuss and visit the site, will be in contact with Delway.

PARK: Councillor Brennan reported that the park looks great.  The new solar lights have been installed and we do need a few more.  The playground equipment that we ordered hasn’t arrived yet.

We have received requests to have the walking trails plowed in the winter months. 

The park workers will be asked to work until the end of October.

UNSIGHTLY PREMISES: Councillor Gillespie reported that she has received multiple calls regarding unsightly properties.  Councillor Morgan Vickers will reach out to the City of Miramichi to see how they handle these properties.

FINANCE: Mayor Russell reported that the treasurer, Jennifer McLaughlin is to present a monthly financial report. 

BUILDINGS: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that the look of the outdoor rink has improved.  B J Connors donated the boards to replace the top rail, the park workers and students installed and painted them. Wayne replaced the siding that was missing.  

Dwayne and I were at the thrift shop with Mike Dawson’s employees and a plumber, and a bathroom cannot be installed there without a big expense and jackhammering through a cement floor.  The ladies from the thrift store are adapting. 

WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Councillor Sharon Vickers reported that Wastewater levels at the lagoon are normal. Office had calls about sewage smell, with David’s help found problems on ATV Trail. The sewage line blocked, Robinson came and pumped it out and Chris from the fire department flushed the line.

Fire Dept flushing the catch basins and through the village as well.

Went to Staples and had two photocopies of Shirley Underhill as built sewer plans made so that David and I would each have a copy.

PUBLIC WORKS: Councillor Hallihan reported that Vye’s Construction will be coming to inspect a few local roads and give us a quote on having the roads repaired.

Regional Service Commission: Mayor Russell reported that he attended the following:

August 27, PRAC Meeting.

August 28, GMRSC Meeting. 

All Agendas and minutes are forwarded to Council as they are received.

Publicity & Promotion:  Mayor Russell reported that all promotional postings are on social media or sent out by email.

He attended the following events during the month. 

  • Aug 1, MRV Buildings meeting, Sharon, Dwain and Tina.
  • Aug 2, Mike Dawson Golf Tournament.
  • Aug 4, Renous Rec, Ryan Jardine benefit.Aug 6, RSC training.
  • Aug 6, B.J. Connors meeting with Planning Commission.
  • Aug 6, MRV Council meeting.
  • Aug 8, Breakfast meeting with the mayors.
  • Aug 12, Tuadook Lodge Meeting.
  • Aug 13, Renous Rec meeting, Darlene. Zack, Justin and Kim.
  • Aug 16, Provencal announcement, Anderson Bridge. Other photo ops with Minister Ames and MLA Dawson.
  • Aug 22, Blackville Park and Tourism Photo ops with MLA Dawson, Sharon, Amanda and staff.
  • Aug 22, MRV office, Meeting with Les and Sharon.
  • Aug 27, Meeting with Liberal Candidate Mark Hambrook.
  • Aug 29, Housing meeting with Carlie Russell, Tina, Sharon, Darlene, Amanda, David Donahue, Justin Forbes and Lee Bursery.


(10.1) Garbage Collection

A discussion was held on garbage collection for next year.  All prices will be obtained, and this will be discussed further next month.

(10.2) Snow Removal Tenders

Snow removal tenders for Renous and Sunny Corner firehalls will be sent out in the next week.

(10.3) Solar Light for Park

Moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers to purchase 6 sunsolar lights and post holders for the municipal park from Sunsol Energy.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.4) Animal Control Tender

The animal control contract is up March 1, 2025.  The tender will be drawn up and posted mid-October.

(10.5) Part Time Employee

An advertisement has been posted for a part time employee.  The deadline to apply is September 27, 2024.

(10.6) Insurance Quote

Continuing to work with Canoe Insurance to get a quote for insurance for the Miramichi River Valley.  The policy is up December 31, 2024.

(10.7) Radar Speed Signs

Councillor Hallihan will contact DTI to see if they have a sign that we could put coming into Blackville.

(10.8) Maintenance Person

Moved by Councillor Brennan, seconded by Councillor S. Vickers to advertise for a maintenance person.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.9) DocuPet

A discussion was held on signing up with DocuPet, which gives pet owners the option to register their pets online.  Council  decided not to go with this option due to the cost and the low number of pet tags purchased this year. We will work on having a link on our website to purchase tags.

(10.10) Unsightly/Dangerous Property

Moved by Councillor S. Vickers, seconded by Councillor Gillespie to have an engineer inspect an unsightly/dangerous property on Digby Street in Blackville.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.11) Memorial Trees

Memorial trees can be placed in the park, but we ask that they meet with a park employee prior to planting to find a proper location for the tree.

(10.12) Fire Services

The City of Miramichi will be meeting this evening to vote on the user pay agreement we have proposed to them.

(10.13) Fireman Games Donation

Moved by Councillor Hallihan, seconded by Councillor Sheasgreen to donate $500 to the men participating the fireman games.  MOTION CARRIED.

(10.14) Agreement between Legion & Sunny Corner Fire Dept.

Councillor Morgan Vickers will draft an agreement between the Sunny Corner Legion and the Sunny Corner fire department to use a portion of the Legion’s land for the generator being placed at the fire hall.

(10.15) Lease with Thrift Store

Councillor Morgan Vickers will finalize the one-year lease between MRV and the thrift store. Moved by Councillor M. Vickers to adjourn the meeting at 20:25.

Council Meetings

Council meets in regular session on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Miramichi River Valley Municipal Office, 12 Bartholomew Road South in Blackville and are open to the public.

If you wish to address Council, please contact the municipal office at 506-843-6337 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


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