Community News

Miramichi and Blackville Public Health Statement on Recent Tragedies

Sent on behalf of Miramichi and Blackville Public Health;

Our Dear Friends in the Village of Blackville and Surrounding Areas,

Our hearts are broken at the recent tragedies that have affected your community. We feel your pain and suffering and want to offer you ā€“ our cherished partners, our prayers, thoughts, and support at this incredibly difficult time.

Our heartfelt sympathies,

Miramichi and Blackville Public Health


Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.


  1. Percy on July 6, 2018 at 12:27 pm

    My sincere condolences to the Blackville families, who lost their precious family members in the recent accidents. So very sad and sorry, to hear of these accidents, causing the lose of valuable lives..

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