Census Jobs – Opportunities available in our community
The next Census of Population will take place in May 2021. Census information is used to make informed decisions about our community, province or territory, and the country as a whole. Are you interested in a job that counts? Do you want to be part of a great undertaking? Join the 2021 Census team and…
Read MoreVillage of Blackville Snow Sculpture Contest
Let’s take the roof off winter and get outside! We are issuing a challenge to all ages to build snow sculptures in your front yard. All you need to get started is snow, a bucket, a spoon, and a little creativity! Please register by calling 843-6337 or online using the form below. Judging will take…
Read MoreRogers Broadband Expansion: Improving access to Broadband in Blackville & Area
Earlier this month, Blackville Mayor Christopher Hennessy participated in a conference call with executives from Rogers Communications. The call was aimed at assisting the company in their application for funding to bring Fibre Op services to this area. Rogers is asking our communities to offer support in their bid to secure funding to bring Fibre…
Read MoreFirst Responders Honoured by Village of Blackville
Members of the Blackville Fire Department, the Blackville detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the local Ambulance New Brunswick paramedics were recently honoured by the village of Blackville. All organizations received plaques in appreciation for their call to duty and for facing unprecedented events. View photos below. Click an image to enlarge. NOTE:…
Read MoreChristmas Message from the village of Blackville
Christmas is a season of great joy: a time for remembering the past and hoping for the future. May the glorious message of peace and love fill you with joy this wonderful season. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year, Mayor and council of the village of Blackville
Read MoreWinners Selected for Blackville Christmas Light Challenge
Residents of the village of Blackville have been busy decorating this holiday season in preparation for the Christmas Light Challenge! Mayor and council would like to thank everyone for doing such a great job decorating their homes and businesses. Residential winners: First: Melissa O’Keefe (MacLaggan Road) Second: Tracy and Stacey Porter (MacLaggan Drive) Third: Paula…
Read MoreSanta Claus to Drive Through Blackville Saturday
Santa Claus is coming to town! With the help of the Blackville Fire Department, Saint Nick will make his way through the village this Saturday, December 12 beginning at 5:00pm. He asks everyone to come outside and wave to him from their driveway on his way by. Due to COVID-19 protocols, parking is not permitted…
Read MoreDoor to Door Trick-or-Treating in Blackville
Door to Door Trick-or-Treating will be permitted within the Village of Blackville until the 8:00 pm curfew. After this time masks must be removed and door to door trick-or-treating must cease. Try to limit your trick-or-treating to one neighbourhood and keep track of where you go. Anyone at higher risk should avoid participating in…
Read MoreFall Clean Up (White Goods Collection) October 22
The Fall Clean Up for the village of Blackville will be held on Thursday, October 22, 2020. This collection will include yard waste (boxed, bagged or tied in three foot length bundles); stoves, refrigerators, freezers, barbecues, bicycles, beds, mattresses, furniture, dryers, air conditioners, scrap metal, etc. Items should be left at your curb by 6:00am,…
Read MoreJake Stewart Re-Elected in South West Miramichi – Bay du Vin
Progressive Conservative MLA Jake Stewart has won his riding of South West Miramichi – Bay du Vin for a fourth consecutive term. The Blackville resident was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick in the 2010 provincial election. Blackville born Josh McCormack, the Liberal Party candidate for South West Miramichi – Bay du…
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