Community News

Village of Blackville Hosts Annual Seniors Supper

The Village of Blackville hosted their Annual Seniors Supper last night, Tuesday, April 5 at the Father AA McKinnon Memorial Hall.  The meal, prepared by Saint Raphael’s Catholic Women’s League, consisted of a full turkey dinner with homemade pie for dessert.  More than one-hundred village residents attended the supper, and over a dozen takeouts were delivered to those unable to attend.  Mayor Andrew Hawkes, along with councilors Cindy Ross, Matt Sturgeon and Christopher Hennessy, were also in attendance.

Live entertainment was provided by Debbie Muck and Eric Hendriks.  Click the video above to watch their performance of Storms Never Last.

Flowers were given as door prizes and awarded to Amy Jardine, Helen Keenan, Leroy Stewart and Buster Williston.  View photos from the event below. (click an image to enlarge)

Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.


  1. Gerhard und Mia Meiers-Loop aus Höngen/Limbricht on June 28, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    Hallo E r i c H e n d r i k s ! ! ! ! ! Grüße aus Deutschland.
    Habe Dich gefunden. Erinnerst Du Dich noch an mich? Sind mit Deiner Kreidler und ich mit meiner Zündap nach Düsseldorf gefahren. Hundert mal bei der Tankstelle in Sittard gesessen. Zusammen Tanzen gegangen usw. usw.
    Regelmäßig war ich bei Dir zu Hause und Deinen Eltern.

    Melde Dich mal., ich würde mich sehr freuen.

    Kann leider kein Englisch schreiben.

    Mia und Gerd Meiers aus Höngen-Selfkant

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