Community News
Move clocks ahead, change smoke alarm batteries on March 13
/Posted on: March 11, 2022/

New Brunswickers are reminded to change the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms as daylight time begins this weekend. Clocks must be moved forward one hour as of 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 13.
“Functioning smoke alarms save lives,” said provincial fire marshal Michael Lewis. “By having properly installed, working smoke alarms in your house, you are more than doubling your chance of survival.”
Most structure fire fatalities occur at night while people are sleeping.
“A smoke alarm is the only way to give you and your family time to escape,” said Lewis.
The Office of the Fire Marshal urges New Brunswickers to follow these steps to ensure their home is protected:
- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including the basement.
- Replace smoke alarms that are older than 10 years, whether they are battery-powered or hard-wired.
- If you have an attached garage or any device that burns wood, gas, oil or propane, install a carbon monoxide alarm outside all sleeping areas. Replace these alarms every seven to 10 years depending upon the manufacturer’s guidelines.
- Press the test button on each smoke and carbon monoxide alarm. If it sounds, it confirms power is present and circuits are operating.
- Create and practice an escape plan with your family.
Additional fire safety information is available online.