Community News
Moonlight Cross Country/Snowshoe Event Tonight in Blackville

A Moonlight Cross Country/Snowshoe Event will happen tonight, Friday February 26 at the new Pine Strip Cross Country Ski Club & Snowshoe Trails starting at 7:00pm.
Groups will be starting at 7:00pm and ending around 9:00pm – feel free to choose your own times! Free of charge.
A bonfire will be held at the crossroad of the Bruce & Debbie and Sally & Shirley trails. COVID-19 restrictions apply – social distancing and masks are required. If you would like to bring a treat, please bring your own!
Good note of caution, is to stop, look and listen for anyone coming down a hill! Tonight will be bright but headlamps ate also a good thing! Come and enjoy!
For more information, visit the Ski Club Facebook page at
Not sure where these trails are. Any directions? Thank you
There are 3 access points. One next to Trinity Hall (Anglican Church Hall), one across from Eugene Donovan’s (there’s a sign), and another just outside the Blackville limits on the Lockstead Road (there is a sign there as well).