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Local Governance Reform information update regarding entity 22
Local Governance Reform information update regarding entity 22
Areas Involved: Village of Blackville, Local Service District (LSD) of Blackville, LSD of Renous/Quarryville, LSD of Derby, LSD of South Esk, LSD of North Esk, LSD of Sunny Corner.
Known altogether as entity 22.
Timeline of Local Governance Reform (LGR):
April 6, 2021, the department of Environment and Local Government (ELG) released the green paper. The green paper was meant to be a short informative document on local governance reform in the province of New Brunswick.
September 9, 2021, ELG released the “what we heard” document. This was meant to be an informative document on questions and concerns raised from the green paper, stemming from round table discussions held with municipal councils and LSD committees.
September 16, 2021, members from the Blackville council as well as members of the entity 22 LSD Committees attended a roundtable discussion with the ELG Minister, Daniel Allain.
November 18, 2021, ELG released the white paper document. This was meant to be an informative document on local governance reform and the amalgamation process. This document laid out the basic facts and requirements for municipalities that would be formed.
November 23, 2021, a letter was sent to ELG Minister Daniel Allain, his executive assistant, and the director of the union of the municipalities of New Brunswick (UMNB). This letter included key points such as:
- Concerns regarding the size of the proposed entity.
- Was it possible to split the area into two?
- Request for more information and a meeting with the minister or deputy minister.
December 1, 2021, an act respecting local governance reform (white paper) was introduced.
December 2, 2021, an act respecting local governance reform was read for a second time and debated.
December 2, 2021, the village of Blackville hosted a meeting with the Blackville council, Blackville Fire Department Chief, and members from Entity 22 LSD Committees. Members raised many concerns with the local governance reform process. A list of questions and concerns was drafted and sent to ELG for review and consideration. Some main topics discussed, and questions asked were as follows:
- Why can’t the area be split in two? What is the rationale?
- What will the representation structure look like for the current communities that will be part of this entity?
- What type of municipality will entity 22 be?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages?
December 3, 2021, an act respecting local governance reform debate continued.
December 7, 2021, an act respecting local governance reform debate continued.
December 7, 2021, The LSD of Renous-Quarryville hosted a meeting with members from the Blackville Council, Blackville Fire Department Chief, Renous-Quarryville Fire Department Chief, Sunny Corner Fire Department Chief and Entity 22 LSD committee members. Members once again raised many concerns with the local governance reform process. Another list of questions and concerns was drafted and sent to ELG for review and consideration. At this meeting, additional information was presented that was received from ELG regarding the previous meetings questions. Some main topics discussed, and questions asked were as follows:
- Why are other areas, below the $200,000,000 tax base requirement, and 4000 population requirement not affected?
- What is the rationale for keeping entity 22 as one large area?
- When will we begin work with the transition team? Who is the transition team?
December 8, 2021, an act respecting local governance reform debate continued. Second reading passed.
December 9, 2021, a response to the letter sent on November 23, 2021, was received from Minister Daniel Allain. In the letter, the minister acknowledged that the input was noted. However, ELG felt the size of the area would have great benefits in the future for entity 22.
December 10, 2021, another letter was sent to ELG minister Daniel Allain as well as his executive assistant. This letter included updated concerns and questions as well as information from discussions the Blackville council had with entity 22 LSD committee members. The letter included key points such as:
- There were still concerns regarding the size of the entity.
- What would the voting process look like? Is there a structure for the new representation?
- What areas were removed from the current boundaries? Why were they removed?
- When will the transition facilitators start? How will the transition process work?
- No representation on a provincial level due to the Southwest Miramichi – Bay Du Vin electoral district being vacant.
December 13, 2021, ELG Acting deputy minister Ryan Donaghy hosted a zoom meeting with members from the Blackville council, and entity 22 LSD members. This meeting was a vital step in the reform process. Once again, many questions were asked about the local governance reform process. The deputy minister was able to vaguely answer some questions, but many went unanswered. Other concerns were raised and were taken back to ELG by the deputy minister for consideration.
On December 16, 2021, an act respecting local governance reform was read for a third time. Third reading passed.
On January 27, 2022, the first contact was made with entity 22 transition facilitator.
On February 1, 2022, entity 22 transition facilitator hosted the first advisory committee meeting with members from the Blackville council and entity 22 LSD committee members.
On February 8, 2022, entity 22 transition facilitator hosted the second advisory committee meeting.
On February 15, 2022, entity 22 transition facilitator hosted the third advisory committee meeting.
On February 22, 2022, an advisory committee meeting was scheduled but postponed. Mapping details required for this meeting were still being prepared by ELG.
On March 1, 2022, entity 22 transition facilitator hosted the fourth advisory committee meeting.
March 2, 2021, entity 22 transition facilitator hosted a meeting with two advisory committee members to finalize minor mapping
Local Governance Reform has been a long lengthy process. It was formally introduced in 2008 when the Finn Report was released. Municipal Councils, LSD Committees, and Regional Service Commissions have been working hard to get answers on the process.
Throughout the process, there was little to no information as ELG finished off the legislation and hired the transition facilitators. Once the transition facilitators were introduced in January 2021 and virtual advisory committee meeting started being held, more information began to become available.
There are still many questions that need to be answered and concerns that need to be addressed. Information on the process is available on the Government of New Brunswick Local Governance Reform Website:
Residents can voice their concerns or request additional information by calling the village of Blackville municipal office, Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 4:00 at 843-6337. Residents can also address their concerns at the regular council meetings held on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00pm at the Blackville community center. Meetings are open to the public. To speak, written notice is required 24 hours in advance to the village clerk. Notice must state the residents name, as well as the topic they would like to speak on. It can be dropped off at the Blackville Community Centre, faxed to 843-6043, or emailed to

I would like to know what Entity 22 means for those living in rural areas outside the village limits. What changes good/bad will this bring? When do the residents of these areas get a vote on this?
Hi Raelene, with the amalgamation, this means that all the areas included in entity 22 will now be part of one big municipality whereas the only municipality in entity 22 was the village of Blackville. This was legislation passed by the provincial government in December and decisions on the transition process are just starting to be made. The areas included in entity 22 are:
Village of Blackville
Local service district of Blackville
Local service district of Renous – Quarryville
Local service district of Derby
Local service district of North Esk
Local service district of South Esk
Local service district of Sunny Corner
I would be happy to answer any additional questions at 843-6337 or 625-7578
TAXES? How much more? What improved services do we get or just pay more? That is what everyone wants to know.. Plus this process never should have been put through during the covid period. Only when we were free to move about and real face to face meetings is acceptable. I do not know of anyone who knows more about this radical change than myslef/
Sorry sending a few flyers in the mail does not cut it.