Community News
Free Suicide Alertness Session to be held in Upper Blackville November 27

A free – no cost suicide alertness session will be held at the Greater Blackville Resource Centre, 12073 Route 8 in Upper Blackville on Monday, November 27 from 11:00am until 3:00pm.
Suicide Alertness for Everyone
safeTALK provides in-depth skills to recognize signs of suicide, engage someone, and ensure a connection to safety. The in-person format includes powerful audiovisuals and live practice.
safeTALK participants will be better prepared to:
- recognize the invitations to help
- move beyond common tendencies to miss, dismiss and avoid suicide
- notice and respond to situations in which thoughts of suicide may be present
- apply basic TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep Safe)
- connect the person with thoughts of suicide to suicide first-aid help and further community resources
For more information or to register, email:
There will also be a session on Friday, November 17 at the Upper Miramichi Community Library, located at Central New Brunswick Academy in New Bandon from 12:30pm until 4:30pm.
Presented by LIVINGWORKS and Miramichi Addiction, Mental Health, and Suicide Prevention Committee.