Community News
A statement from the Commanding Officer of the New Brunswick RCMP

A statement from the Commanding Officer of the New Brunswick RCMP.
These are unsettling times for all of us right now, as we all work together to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The steps taken by the New Brunswick government under the Emergency Measures Act are aimed at protecting our people as much as possible from this global pandemic. The New Brunswick RCMP supports these efforts, and we continue to work with the people of this province as we face this challenge together.
As the provincial police force, the New Brunswick RCMP supports the Government of New Brunswick in its efforts to flatten the curve of COVID-19. We are coming together with law enforcement partners from across the province and the country to ensure we are doing everything we can do as police to help.
The RCMP is taking its own steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Our operational nature means that some of our employees have to continue working in the office, but they are practicing social distancing. Many of our office staff have been able to continue working remotely from home. Our frontline members have personal protective equipment and are using it when responding to calls that may involve possible exposure to COVID-19. We have plans in place to ensure police will be able to respond to any situation.
I know many New Brunswickers have questions about enforcement, and how far police will go to ensure people are abiding by the orders under the state of emergency. The priority of police right now is to work with the people of New Brunswick – we know you want to protect your families, your loved ones and your communities. We are with you. You will see police officers in your communities to help deter crime and to respond to complaints. You will see us patrolling the provincial borders, and supporting other law enforcement agencies. It is my commitment to you that police will be here and ready to respond when you need us. Report any suspicious behavior or crime to police so we can respond.
This current situation may seem difficult and overwhelming, but there are things every person in this province can do to help. Stay at home and practice social distancing. Look out for your neighbours and loved ones, especially those in isolation, and help them abide by the orders currently in place – offer to pick up groceries or other supplies so they don’t feel the need to go out. Thank the first responders, hospital employees and the workers in your communities who are helping keep essential services such as grocery stores and gas stations open.
The people of this province are strong, caring and have always responded in the face of adversity. As your provincial police, we look to you now to work with us. We will overcome this challenge as we have so many before – together.
A/Commr. Larry Tremblay M.O.M.
New Brunswick RCMP Commanding Officer