Community News
Volunteers Needed for ELF Program at Blackville School

Blackville School is in need of volunteers for the Elementary Literacy Friends (ELF) program. As an ELF reading mentor, volunteers need to dedicate two hours a week for ten weeks. One child, one page at a time.
Elementary Literacy Inc. is a charitable organization that manages the delivery of two volunteer reading achievement programs for struggling readers in grade two. These programs bring together community volunteers, schools and parents for ensuring children are reading at grade level by the end of the school year.
An upcoming training session will be held at the Miramichi Public Library in Chatham on Wednesday, October 16 from 1:30pm until 4:00pm.
Volunteers are also needed at the following schools: Gretna Green Elementary, Harcourt Elementary, King Street Elementary, Max Aitken Academy, Miramichi Rural School, Napan Elementary, Nelson Rural School, North & South Esk and Rexton Elementary.
For more information or to register to volunteer, visit or call 1-855-898-2533.