Community News
Village of Blackville Thanks Fireworks Sponsors
/Posted on: July 17, 2019/

The mayor and council of the village of Blackville would like to thank the following businesses for their donations towards this years Canada Day fireworks display:
- Blackville Autobody & Collision Ltd.
- Blackville Credit Union
- Blackville Foodland
- Blackville Foodland 50/50 Draw
- Blackville Women’s Institute
- Brophy Trucking
- Nine Pine Esso
- Ron Underhill Trucking
- Saint Raphael’s Catholic Women’s League
- Seniors Club
- Susan McEvoy | Stanley Mutual Insurance
- White Rapids Logging
Any business wishing to donate towards next years Canada Day fireworks can contact the village office at 843-6337 or drop by at 12 South Bartholomew Road.
Amazing fireworks this year! Thanks to the businesses that donated.