Community News

Village of Blackville Celebrates 50 Years Today


Blackville was long settled before it received its name. Alexander Underwood, a sea captain of Yorkshire, England was trekking his way through the wilds of New Brunswick, by way of the Miramichi, when by chance, he met a lady named Nancy McGraw, fell in love, married and settled here in 1784.

In 1830, the Parish of Blackville was established and named after the Honourable William Black, administrator for the Government of New Brunswick.Ā  By 1866, the village was aĀ  lumbering and farming settlement with about 20 families.Ā  Lumbering would be the main industry from 1820 when the first sawmill was built, until 2007 when Blackville Lumber ceased its operations.

In 1898, Blackville was a station on the Canada Eastern Railway and a junction of the Intercolonial Railway with a post office, 5 stores, 2 hotels, 1 woodworking factory, 2 churches and a population of 600, and included the settlements of Underhill, Breadalbane and the Forks.

Blackville Credit Union, the first organization of its kind, officially opened for business on September 30, 1936 and this year celebrated its 80th anniversary.

In 1966, Blackville was incorporated as a village. The first meeting of elected council of the newly formed village was held on June 26, 1967. Harold Connors was mayor and Gerald Ross and Theodore Walls councillors.

This past year saw the passing of three former members of our municipal family: Paul Davidson, who served as village clerk and three terms as councillor from 1977 to 1986; Eileen Corney who served 2 terms as councillor from 1998 to 2004 and Roland ā€œDoadā€ Walls, who served as Blackville’s longest running mayor from 1971 to 1992 and 1998 to 2001. Today, we acknowledge their years of service to our community.

The ninth of November marks the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of our beautiful village. Much has happened over the past 50 years that has led us on the path leading to today.Ā  As we reflect on the achievements of the past half-century, we also look forward, as always, to the future.

We have walked this path together as a community and we have shown time and time again that although we are small in numbers, we are stronger together and can accomplish anything that we set our minds to.

To view photos from the 50th Anniversary celebration that was held in September, please click here.

Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.

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