Community News

Summer Job Opportunities at Blackville Area Churches

Two summer jobs are available for youth ages 15 – 30 years old at Holy Trinity Church in Blackville and St. Agnes’ Church in Gray Rapids.

Work may include: mowing grass on church properties, clipping grass around headstones and other yard work, weekly cleaning of interior of church (vacuuming and dusting), cleaning church hall after use, painting, as required (outdoor and indoor), assisting visitors who come to the church or cemetery, and other similar tasks as assigned.

Deadline for submission of Resume: Friday, May 17, 2019.

Maintenance Labourer
Location: Holy Trinity Church, Blackville, NB
Number of Hours per week: 35
Number of Weeks: 7
Hourly Rate: $11.50 per hour
Resume should be submitted to: Sally Underhill at

Maintenance Labourer
Location: St. Agnes’ Church, Gray Rapids, NB
Number of Hours per week: 30
Number of Weeks: 8
Hourly Rate: $11.50 per hour
Resume should be submitted to: Valerie Stewart at or call 843-2849

NOTE: There is no requirement, this year, that applicants be returning to school in the fall.

Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.

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