Community News

UPDATE: Riverview Drive Road Closure and Detour

Notice to residents of Riverview Drive Road Closure and Detour
Re: Riverview Drive Guide Rail Replacement and Slope Rehabilitation

UPDATE: The road closure will be pushed to early next week due to rain forecast as well as some tasks hat need to be completed first. A new date will be posted when available.

This letter is to notify residents that due to the construction work for this project, Riverview Drive will be closed to vehicle access near Civic #37 on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 (weather permitting).

Local traffic requiring access to Riverview Drive past Civic #37 will be required to detour via South Cains River Road, through a private access road on Civic #81 to access Riverview Road.

The work being carried out is necessary to mitigate the currently failing section of Riverview Drive, and replace existing stormwater infrastructure which is in poor condition.

The Village regrets any inconvenience this may cause and appreciates your patience and cooperation while this work is being completed.

Laura Leger, P.Eng., Project Engineer, Crandall Engineering Ltd., 857-2777
Tina Peterson, Village Clerk – Village of Blackville, 843-6337

Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.


  1. Avatar Marilynn Gillespie on October 21, 2019 at 4:25 pm

    Is the detour road coming through Stewartā€™s property?

    • Les McLaughlin Les McLaughlin on October 21, 2019 at 5:44 pm

      Yes it is.

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