Community News
Remembrance Day: Requiem Eucharist for our War Dead at Holy Trinity
/Posted on: November 2, 2020/

Holy Trinity Anglican Church will be hosting a special service, Requiem Eucharist for our War Dead, on November 11, 2020 at 9:00am.
Everyone welcome – please note the following:
Masks must be worn when entering the church and throughout the service.
You need to reserve a seat. Call 843-6022 (leave a message if no answer) or email . You will be required to give your name and how many in your “bubble” will be attending with their names, and your phone number.
Deadline to reserve a seat is Tuesday, November 10 at Noon – but you can contact Holy Trinity anytime before that deadline.
When you arrive you will be asked screening questions and use hand sanitizer. Social distancing is required.
For more information, call 843-6022.