Community News

Premier Blaine Higgs' Weekend Visit to Blackville

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs and his wife Marsha visited Blackville on Saturday, March 23 for a snowmobile tour of the region. Mayor Chris Hennessy issued a statement below:

What a day Snowmobiling!!

I spent Saturday out on the trails with many great friends, Minister Jake Stewart, Premier Blaine Higgs and his wife Marsha. We started our day in Blackville, travelled Trail 42 to McNamee where we met up with the rest of our group and were served a fine breakfast at Wilson’s Lodge. With the tight schedule, we then headed out on the new Trail 582, to begin our loop on Trail 58 back to Blackville. Trails were in excellent condition, and the scenery was as always breathtaking.

Minister Stewart, Premier Higgs, various members of our group along with myself all discussed our area and what we have to offer in this multi million dollar business. It is very clear that Blackville is in a position to serve the Snowmobile Industry as a hub, and provide access to the Christmas Mountains area.

Looking forward to working on this project and to what lies in the future for Blackville !!

Chris Hennessy

Mayor, Village of Blackville

Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.

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