Community News

Part-Time Job Opportunities at St. Andrews United Church

Saint Andrews United Church in Blackville is seeking a part-time secretary and part-time treasurer. Deadline to apply is Saturday, November 12. Please forward resumes to

Part Time Secretary Position St. Andrew’s United Church


  • Prepare bulletins for church services.
  • Prepare year in reports.
  • Purchase office supplies
  • Monitor church email for announcements.
  • File a bulletin for historical records.
  • Ability to complete task on deadline.
  • Send emails to congregation
  • Correspondence – incoming and outgoing
  • Background check required.
  • Pay is minimum wage
  • Apply on or before November 12, 2022

Part Time Treasure’s Position St. Andrews United Church Blackville


  • Confidentiality a requirement
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Strong organization and computer skills
  • Familiar with HST rebate process for a registered charities is an asset
  • Ability to work independently
  • Strong communication skills
  • Background check required
  • Wages $15/hr.

Summary of Duties:

  • Pick up the collection, check the recording, make up the bank deposit then make the deposit.
  • Balance chequebook and month end reports and reconcile with the bank statement. 
  • Prepare a financial report for board.
  • Print, check and balance payroll.
  • Submit bank statements and reconciliation for St. Andrews Blackville to scheduled reviewer for audit including timesheets. 
  • HST payments & rebate Application.
  • Assist with annual budget and financial statement.
  • Present annual budget at February congregational meeting.
  • Apply on or before November 12, 2022
Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.

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