Community News
‘Once Upon a Christmas’ Dinner and Musical Event to be held December 14 in Blackville

You’re invited to Once Upon a Christmas, an evening filled with Christmas joy and generosity. The dinner and musical event will be held on Saturday, December 14 at Saint Andrews United Church Centre, 143 Main Street in Blackville.
Meet and Greet begins at 6:00pm, followed by dinner at 6:30pm. Hosted by Zach Hallihan and Nancy Sturgeon, with musical performances by Valerie Francis, Leigh Bursey, Nathan Coughlan, Jayda MacDonald, Todd Jardine, Brandon Hernandez and Amber Walls.
Tickets are $45 per guest and are available at Blackville Irving. You can also purchase tickets by e-transfer at or calling/texting (506) 210-0805 or (506) 625-0153.
100% of profits will be gifted to Percy’s Place. There will also be large and small big auctions held throughout the evening.
Cranberry Orange Punch and Hot Cinnamony Apple Cider
Main Course
Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, peas, carrots, gravy, rolls, whipped butter and cranberry sauce.
Molasses cake with brown sugar sauce or cranberry cake and zesty lemon sauce.
For more info and updates, visit the Event page on Facebook.