Community News
Notice Regarding Concerns Over Summer Garbage Collection Changes

Over the past year we have received many requests from residents asking for weekly garbage collection during the summer months. We explored different options to try and provide this service while keeping the costs down to taxpayers. After exploring these options, we decided on what we believed to be the best option, which is weekly garbage collection for July and August and one pickup of recycling per month rather than two.
We felt it would be more convenient to store your recycling rather than garbage. It was never our intent to discourage people from recycling. We realize recycling is extremely important and we encourage you to continue to recycle during July and August as you normally do. If your recycling bin is full before collection day, you can still put your recycling at the curb in a clear bag or box and it will be collected.
We hope this addresses your concerns.
Miramichi River Valley Mayor and Council