Community News
Notice of Election: Entity 22

Next month, the majority of New Brunswickers will go to the polls to vote in local government elections taking place on November 28, 2022. While municipal elections normally take place every four years in May, these elections are the result of a significant undertaking by the Department of Environment and Local Government to restructure and reduce the number of municipal entities that exist in the Province.
In some cases, people will be voting in first elections for new communities created by mergers and annexations.
Others will be voting in by-elections as they join an existing community; while still others who will continue to live in unincorporated areas of the Province will vote to elect new rural district advisory committees.
In all instances, these elections offer residents of these communities the opportunity to have a say in whom they wish to be their voice on these local governments. In fact, some of you living in these new local governments may choose to offer as a candidate in order to play a direct role in the decision-making processes that affect you, your family, and your neighbours.
For those of you who may be considering running as a candidate, you will find helpful information on the process involved and the rules that exist for candidates on The close of nominations is 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 28.
To learn more details on the elections that will be taking place, and on the voting options that will be available when the time comes for you to cast your ballot, click here to download a publication made available by Elections NB.
To learn more about Entity 22, click here.