Community News
Nine Pine Esso Supports Kraft Hockeyville

Nine Pine Esso, located at 59 Main Street in Blackville, supports the Tom Donovan Arena’s bid for Kraft Hockeyville 2019.
The arena’s entry in the annual competition, made in memory of Thomas Dunn, was selected as a top four finalist in this years competition. Arenas in the communities of Rich Valley, Alberta; Saint-Polycarpe, Quebec; and Wilkie, Saskatchewan also made the top four.
Voting for the final round of Kraft Hockeyville 2019 opens on Friday, March 29 at 1:00pm Atlantic Time and ends on Saturday, March 30 at 9:30pm. Online voting takes place at Voting is unlimited, so remember to vote often!
For more information about the Tom Donovan Arena’s bid for Kraft Hockeyville, visit
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