Community News
POSTPONED: Information Session on Invasive Smallmouth Bass Eradication from the Miramichi

UPDATE: March 18, 2020 – this meeting has been cancelled until further notice, and will be rescheduled in the future when deemed safe and appropriate to host public gatherings.
PREVIOUS: Information Session on Invasive Smallmouth Bass Eradication from the Miramichi Hosted by: The Working Group on the eradication of smallmouth bass from the Miramichi
• Atlantic Salmon Federation
• Maliseet Nation Conservation Council
• Miramichi Salmon Association
• Miramichi Watershed Management Committee
• New Brunswick Salmon Council
• New Brunswick Wildlife Federation
• North Shore Micmac District Council
The group will be hosting a free information session on plans to eradicate this invasive species from Miramichi Lake and a section of the river on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at the Blackville Community Centre, 12 South Bartholomew Road.
A meet and greet will be held from 6:30pm until 7:00pm with coffee and donuts. The information session will begin at 7:00pm until 9:00pm. The topic of discussion is the Miramichi River and current conservation efforts.
Everyone welcome. Meeting subject to change depending on the circumstances with COVID-19.