Community News
Making a Fidget Quilt Presentation
/Posted on: January 20, 2020/

There will be a presentation on making Fidget Quilts by members of the Provincial Women’s Institute on Tuesday, January 28 at the Blackville Community Centre, 12 South Bartholomew Road, from 9:30am until 3:00pm. Coffee breaks and lunch provided.
You can come and sew, help cut material or just observe. If you are interested, please call 843-6543 to pre-register by Friday, January 24 as numbers are needed to order lunch. This event is free of charge.
What is a Fidget Quilt? It is a lap quilt or blanket for those with Alzheimer, Dementia, Autism and little children who need something to do with their hands. It can be for a parent, friend or child.