Community News

Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste Spring Collection

The Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission is hosting a Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste Spring Collection on Saturday, May 27 from 8:00am until 12:00pm at 360 Newcastle Blvd. in Miramichi (St. Mary’s Catholic Parish parking lot).

Please note that this is a residential collection. Commercial and industrial waste will not be accepted.

Household Hazardous Waste: examples of what is accepted: adhesives, aerosol cans, antifreeze coolant, automotive fluid, batteries (car and household), beauty products, bleach, butane cartridge, car care products, cleaning products, compact fluorescent light bulbs, diesel fuel, driveway sealant, ethanol, fertilizers, fluorescent tubes, flea powder, floor and furniture polish/wax, gasoline, household chemicals, herbicides, insecticides, kerosene, lighters, mercury (thermometers), metal polishes, motor oil/filters, nail polish/remover, paint and related items, pesticides, pool chemicals, propane tanks and cylinders, solvants, stain removers, stains and varnishes.

HHW Items not accepted include: explosives, radioactive waste, PCB’s, bio hazardous waste, ammunition, tires, and sharps/syringes.

E-Waste: examples of what is accepted: desktop computers, keyboards, cables & mice, laptops and tablets, LCD & CRT monitors, digital cameras, fax machines, hard drives, desktop printers/scanners, home theatre systems, radios, speakers, telephones, televisions and receivers. Heavily soiled electronics will not be accepted. For a complete list of accepted electronics, visit

E-Waste Items not accepted include: video game consoles and controllers, calculators, paper shredders, external router or modem, floor standing photocopier, satellite dish, washers/dryers, toasters, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators/freezers, air conditioners and small kitchen appliances.

For more information, call the recycling hotline at 506-778-2278.

Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.

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