Community News

Garth Jardine Memorial Run set for February 24

A memorial snowmobile run will take place on Saturday, February 24 for Garth Jardine. Registration and poker hands ($10) will be held from 10:00am until 12:00pm at the tourism building, 168 Main Street in Blackville (located across the street from Pharmasave on Trail 42).

The run will continue on Trail 42 to the Howard Road Warming Shack for a bbq from 12:00pm until 2:00pm and the dedication of a memorial plaque.

The run will then proceed to Doaktown and down Trail 58 to Mitchell Brook and end at the Howard Road Warming Shack.

All proceeds go to Club 22.

Miramichi River Valley

Miramichi River Valley

The Rural Community of Miramichi River Valley is governed by an elected council made up of a mayor and six councillors.

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