Life With Baby Post Natal Group
Life with Baby Post Natal Group begins this Thursday, October 22, 2020 at the Blackville Community Centre at 1:00pm. The program will run until Christmas.
If you would like to attend, you must pre-register with your full address and two contact numbers. This program is for babies 0 – 12 months old only. Please note that this rule applies to keep the integrity of the program.
The group offers a nice, relaxing time for mom/dad and baby to spend together and runs for one and a half hours. Participants are asked to arrive 15 mins early for screening.
As a group you will decide if you would like to cover certain topics, or if you just want to have a chat.
Feel free to bring snacks for yourselves and your babies, but no nut products please. No sharing of snacks allowed due to COVID-19.
The group will be following the Provincial Guidelines for Family Resource Centers and Social Distancing. There will be a maximum of 20 people, being screened and wearing masks, including the facilitator Wendy Astle.
You can pre-register by calling or texting Wendy at 625-1459, messaging on Facebook, or by email at .