Community News
Department of Transportation Information Regarding Winter Levels of Service
/Posted on: December 1, 2024/
The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure has provided the following information regarding winter road conditions.
Attached are the classification of roads for winter maintenance outlining the different levels of service for each.
DTI monitors roads during winter storms, with plowing operations typically running from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. on most provincial roads. From 11 pm until 5 a.m., services are typically reduced to emergency only response. DTI is available to respond to emergencies around the clock.
Levels of service may be reduced due to the following:
- Length and severity of storm
- Limited visibility for operators, compromising the safety of maintenance personnel and/or the traveling public
- Equipment, material and staff availability
- Winds causing drifting
- Freezing rain or sleet
- Road surface temperatures (less than 10C) which limit the effectiveness of deicing
- chemicals (i.e. salt)
- Recovery time for operators during extended winter storm conditions
There are five levels of winter service.
- Winter Service Category “A-1” (4 Lane Arterials) with Traffic Count greater that 4000:
Objective: Bare driving lanes within 24 hours after end of storm
- Winter Service Category “A-2” (Remaining Arterials and high volume collectors) with Traffic Count greater than 2000:
Objective: Bare driving lanes within 24 hours after end of storm
- Winter Service Category “B” (Medium volume Collectors & selected Locals) with Traffic Count from 500 to 2000:
Objective: Bare centre strip or bare wheel path within 48 hours after end of storm - Winter Service Category “C” (Low Volume Collectors, most local highways) with Traffic Count less than 500:
Objective: Snow packed condition with hills, curves and intersections treated with sand - Winter Service Category “D” (Local Highways) with Traffic Count less than 100:
Objective: Snow packed condition. May not receive service for extended periods of time.