Community News
Change in Garbage Collection – No Blue Bins
/Posted on: March 25, 2020/

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the bi-weekly curbside recycling program in our region has been halted and recyclables will not be collected until further notice.
With this change, garbage will now be collected weekly – every Thursday in Blackville.
The sorting facility in Moncton closed due to the COVID -19 outbreak, and they have nowhere to stockpile the recyclables while waiting to be sorted.
The Solid Waste Commission recommended asking residents to stockpile what they can at home for the time being. However no one knows how long the closure and restrictions will be in place.
Garbage will be collected weekly for the time being and Recycling will resume whenever we get notice from the Solid Waste Commission.
Can you put blue bags in the blue bin?
So we put our recycle in with our waste?