Community News
Blackville Wellness Group Hosting Family Day Weekend Free Skate at Renous Arena
/Posted on: February 10, 2019/

The Blackville Mango Health & Wellness committee is hosting a “Free Skate” on Saturday, February 16, 2019 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the Tom Donovan Arena, 3 Young Lane in Renous.
Come celebrate the Family Day long weekend with the entire family!
The canteen will be open until 5:30pm with drinks and food available for purchase.
Everyone in attendance will be entered into a draw for a $50 gift card to Cineplex Cinemas in Miramichi.
Please note: This event is separate from the skating party being held on Friday evening, February 15 at the Blackville Outdoor Rink. For details about that event, please click here.