Community News
Blackville Home and School Hosts Fall Fair
/Posted on: September 23, 2019/

Blackville Home and School hosted their annual Fall Fair on Sunday, September 22 at the Blackville Municipal Park from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
There was live entertainment by local performers, a jumping castle for kids, face-painting and glitter tattoos, and a car and bike show with about forty vehicles. Cotton candy, candy apples and popcorn were sold, along with lots of tasty bake sale treats. Tickets were sold on a cleaning supplies basket won by Scott Stewart, and a 50/50 draw won by Ronnie Matchett.
Winners for the People’s Choice awards were Benny Hamilton in the car category and Loretta Gorbett in the bike category.
View photos from the event below. Click an image to enlarge.