Community News
Blackville Community Centre / Municipal Office Closures and Resources

As a precaution against the spread of COVID-19, all rooms at the Blackville Community Centre are closed for events, meetings and gatherings effective Monday, March 16, 2020.
As a result, GED classes, Women’s Institute meetings and quilt group, A Family Place playgroup, Thursday night Card Parties and all other community centre related events have also been suspended. The municipal office remains open, however, walk-in visits will not be accepted until further notice. If you require in-person service, please call 843-6337 prior to visiting.
This closure will be in place as we continue to monitor the situation.
Blackville Mayor Christopher Hennessy urges people to follow the guidelines and precautions issued by the Government of New Brunswick to stay safe during this outbreak. Visit the pages below for more information:
About Coronavirus
Information for Travelers
Protect Yourself and Others
Community Preparedness
You can also find more information from Horizon Health Network at