Community News
Applications for low-income seniors’ benefit now available

To assist low-income seniors in New Brunswick, the government offers an annual benefit to qualifying applicants.
Applications for the 2023 Low-Income Seniors’ Benefit are now available.
Eligible New Brunswickers are encouraged to apply online or print the application, complete it and mail it to:
Accounts Payable
Service New Brunswick
P. O. Box 1900
Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5G4.
Application forms are also available at Service New Brunswick centres.
The application deadline is December 31, 2023.
To qualify for the 2023 annual benefit of $400 the applicant must have been a resident of New Brunswick on December 31, 2022, and a recipient of a benefit under the Old Age Security Act (Canada), notably:
- the Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) during 2022 (must be 65 years or older) or
- the Federal Allowance for the Survivor during 2022 (must be between 60-64 years old) or
- the Federal Allowance during 2022 (must be between 60-64 years old).
Important: Persons in receipt of a federal allowance who are under the age of 60 do not qualify for this benefit.
Where both spouses receive the GIS and reside in the same household, only one $400.00 benefit will be granted. However, where spouses live separately (for example, one residing in a nursing home), both will be eligible for the benefit.
Should you require further information on this program, please contact the Low-Income Seniors Benefit toll-free line at 1-833-796-0944.
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How do I go about applying online?
Click the black Apply Online button above and then you will be taken to the government site. There are several ways to apply, and you can click the Apply Now link on that page to fill out the form.