Community News
Annual Spring Clean-Up and Hazardous Waste Collection

The Spring Clean Up for the village of Blackville will be held on Thursday, May 23. This collection will include yard waste (boxed, bagged or tied in three foot length bundles); stoves, refrigerators, freezers, barbecues, bicycles, beds, mattresses, furniture, etc. Regular garbage will also be collected on that day.
Please do not put out automobile parts, paint, tires, or batteries at the curb.
Household Hazardous Waste & electronics collection
The Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission – Solid Waste Services is hosting a free Household Hazardous Waste & electronics collection on Saturday, May 25 in Miramichi. Items such as used oil, paint, cleaners and solvents, fluorescent lights and electronic waste such as computers, dvd players and printers will be accepted, free of charge! Drop off your items May 25 at Saint Mary’s Church parking lot located at 360 Newcastle Blvd in Miramichi between 8:00am and noon. Residents are asked to NOT leave items in the parking lot. Please note that commercial waste will not be accepted.
Tire Disposal
If you have old tires to dispose of, they can be returned to any tire retailer, free of charge.
If you have any questions regarding the Spring Clean-Up, please contact the village office at 843-6337.