Community News
Anglican Parish Collecting Donations for Advent Project

The Sunday School students of the Anglican Parish of Derby and Blackville are planning an Advent Project and invites others to join them in supporting some local organizations. Here are some ways you can help.
Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women: A temporary home for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. How to help? Donations for the facility including: cleaning supplies, feminine hygiene products, towels, paper towels, toilet paper, Kleenex, pillows (new), Lysol wipes, tooth brushes and toothpaste and gift cards for groceries, gas, drug store.
Purse with Tidings of Comfort and Joy: Remembering that women coming to the emergency centre often leave home in a hurry, this project provides women coming to the Emergency Centre with some supplies and comfort. The project needs donations of new or gently used purses and items like the following to fill the purses: journal, pen, lip balm, flip flops, hairbrush, comb, deodorant, lotion, some treats (granola bars, cup-a-soup, tea, hot chocolate, gum, for example), socks, mitts, gloves, hats, shampoo/conditioner, soap, feminine hygiene products, small denomination gift card, a note of encouragement, a piece of Scripture or a prayer.
A Child’s Comfort Bag: new or gently used draw string bags or zipped pouches, and items to fill them. For example, notebook, pencils or pens, gum, lip balm, small Kleenex, a smiley face stress ball, a small stuffed toy, flip flops, toothbrush, tooth paste, face cloth, a treat (granola bar, hot chocolate, etc), flashlight with batteries, mittens, gloves and hats, small toys.
You can also make a cash donation that will be used to purchase items for the purses and bags and to donate to the centre.
They are also accepting donations of cash for the Emergency Centre or for either:
Harvest House – Miramichi – an initiative to establish a facility modeled on Harvest House Atlantic (Moncton) in Miramichi City. Harvest House is a faith-based non-profit mission that seeks to help those within the community through specific programs in Addiction Recovery and Step Up Housing. Their Mission is connecting people of compassion with those in need, to make a difference. Harvest House will strive to meet the needs of the people who are lost, lonely, addicted and hurting. They will do this through a few different programs: a community center and emergency shelter, Step-Up housing, residential addiction recovery programs, life skills, and skills and employment training. They began, this month, offering an Overcomers’ group meeting and are making plans to move ahead with establishing a residential facility. As a faith-based organization, this organization gives people the opportunity to experience God’s love in a tangible way.
Hospice Miramichi – The focus of hospice palliative care is on comfort, not cure and on life, not death. Hospice Miramichi seeks to raise the awareness of the unique needs of those living with life threatening illnesses where cure is not an option and medications are no longer controlling the condition. Hospice Miramichi works within the community to provide practical care and support for clients and families in their homes, in nursing homes, hospitals and residential care facilities (special care homes). Their volunteers are trained to provide practical and emotional support during the end stages of life and through the grieving process. The new residential hospice is soon to open and there will be an increased need for financial support.
Throughout Advent, there will be a box in each of the parishes churches (Holy Trinity in Blackville, St. Agnes’ in Gray Rapids and St. Peter’s in Millerton), where you can drop off items for the Miramichi Emergency Shelter for Women, the purse and comfort bag projects. Also available at the back of the churches are envelopes that can be used for making monetary donations to one of the charitable organizations. Envelopes can be put on the Collection plates and will be delivered to the organization(s) indicated.
If you are not a parishioner of those churches but would still like to donate, please contact Fr. Gerry at 843-6022, Valerie at 843-2849 or Hollie at 627-0181. Thank you for your support.