Community News
Miramichi River Valley to Celebrate Family Day with Family Winter Fest 2024

Family Day is Monday, February 19 and several events will take place throughout the communities of Miramichi River Valley.
Sunny Corner
There will be free skating at the Sunny Corner Arena, 32 Northwest Road from 3:00pm until 5:00pm. This event is sponsored by the Joey White Memorial Fund. There will be free hot chocolate on behalf of MRV. D’Arcy’s Kitchen will also be open.
There will be free skating at the Tom Donovan Arena, 4 Young Lane in Renous from 2:00pm until 4:00pm. A jumping castle will be available next door at the Rec Centre from 1:00pm until 3:00pm. There will also be free cotton candy.
The Renous/Quarryville Fire Department are hosting a BBQ from 4:00pm until 6:00pm at the fire hall, 35 Memory Lane. Stop in and take a tour of the firehall and enjoy free cake from the Miramichi River Valley council.
The Blackville Rec Council will host free skating at the Blackville Outdoor Rink, 30 Alcorn Drive from 12:00pm until 9:00pm. There will also be free hot chocolate. The canteen will be open.
Susan Brophy Photography will be taking free family photos on the train bridge in Blackville from 3:00pm until 5:00pm.
Blackville Credit Union is having a coloring contest. Pick up pictures or bring your own to the credit union. Judging will be Tuesday, February 20 with prizes awarded.