Community News
Growing Greater Miramichi to Visit Miramichi River Valley to Drive Economic Growth and Collaboration
Growing Greater Miramichi will be visiting our community from July 4th to 7th to engage with local businesses. During their visit, Growing Greater Miramichi aims to update market data on operating businesses, assess their stage of development, understand their needs and wants, and update contact information. It is important to note that all the information collected will be treated as confidential. This data will be utilized to create programs and deliver services that contribute to the thriving of our community and the prosperity of the region.
Growing Greater Miramichi represents a dedicated department within the Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission. Their primary objective is to promote our region and foster economic opportunities. They serve as a platform for collaboration among stakeholders and facilitate progress on various issues that enhance the prosperity of the region. Their key areas of focus include:
- Population growth
- Ensuring a competitive labor force
- Creating a supportive business ecosystem
- Tourism development
In the event that a business is unable to meet Growing Greater Miramichi during their visit, they have the option to self-register by clicking here.
For more information, please call 506-502-7073.