Coming Soon: Blackville’s Free Community Garden

Community gardens are a fantastic way for individuals to come together and grow fresh produce, build connections, and learn new skills. They can also help improve the overall health of a community by increasing access to fresh fruits and vegetables. That’s why it’s exciting to share about the new community garden being planned in Blackville,…

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Bobby Hallihan Recognized for Volunteer Work with Atlantic Institution’s Citizen Advisory Committee

Robert ‘Bobby’ Hallihan was recognized on Friday, March 24 with a plaque and a huge thank you for being a part of the volunteer Citizen Advisory Committee for the Atlantic Institution since 1996. Hallihan played a crucial role in the construction of the Renous prison to support economic growth. Alongside Warden Monik Cormier and other…

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Miramichi River Valley Employment Opportunity: Casual/Call-In Municipal Enforcement Officer (Animal Control)

The Rural Community of the Miramichi River Valley is presently accepting applications for the Casual/Call-in position of MUNICIPAL ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (ANIMAL CONTROL). Key Responsibilities An Animal Services Officer is a compassionate, understanding, and empathetic individual who is empowered to enforce the municipal animal by-law. Duties will include, but not be limited to documenting and investigating complaints…

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March Public Skating Schedule for Sunny Corner Arena

Get ready to lace up and hit the ice! Stop in for some fun at Sunny Corner Arena during their upcoming public skate times. Public Skating Schedule: Helmets are required for all children under 12 years of age and parental supervision is also required for those under 12. Additionally, during public skate times, there are…

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